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Supply Chain Manager

Supply Chain Manager

Work Experience

Date & Place of birth 13.September 1950 in Derby,England
Nationality English
Marital Status Married (German wife) no children
Language English, German
Education 1961 - 1967
Noel-Baker Technical Grammar School,Derby
GCE \"O\"levels in English Language;English Literature;French;Mathematics;

Employment History – Interim Positions

Apr.2005 - Sept.2005 Interim Management
Area Logistics Manager (Benelux;UK;Scandinavia)
The client UPS-SCS had won a 4PL Contract for Alcatel. This included the management of all Logistics activities for the Alcatel Group of companies.They
used Interims both to provide external expertise and a successful launch. The time period was set at 4-6 months to allow for internal recruitment and training.
Key performance highlights are:
· Process mapping and the development of a communications matrix and share
of work – change management
· successful migration of 3PL contracts from Alcatel to UPS SCS 4PL
· development of a UPS SCS 4PL business plan for Alcatel
· successful development and implementation of a TMS
· successful establishment of a UPS SCS-Alcatel relationship
· delivery of the anticipated logistics savings plan
A UPS SCS internal candidate was trained to fulfil this role

Apr.2003 - Feb.2005 Interim Management
Operations Director
Panopa Logistics (a Division of Imperial Logistics,RSA)
Logistics Service Provider to the VW manufacturing facility in Poznan,Poland.
The previous Operations Director has resigned at very short notice and the client
was looking for an immediate replacement to not only stabilize the situation (VW
had serious service issues with the client in the middle of a model change) but who would also be in a position to expand and manage the operations.
The site consisted of two major facilities employing 250 employees and over 3500 VW employees. The main manufacturing plant where we provided Kanban/JIT/JIS services to the production lines and the Central Warehouse.In the interim this has expanded to over 800 LSP employees at four sites which include in addition an external manufacturing where we provided both JIT and SILS (sequencing) services as well as warehousing support consisting of 65,000qm, the management of all inbound and shuttle transportation between the facilities and a Supplier Park where we provided both VW and Suppliers logistics and added-value requirements.
Key Performance highlights are as follows for the respective time period:
· Development and implementation of all necessary systems and processes to manage the business
· Successful ISO and VDA Certification
· VW Quality and Customer Satisfaction Audits
· Development of Quality monitoring controls
· Customers served from 1 to 12
· Profitabilty from deep red to double digit net margins
· Contract with VW extended for a further 5 years
The contract which was initially for six-nine months to cover the introduction of new products at VW and the expansion of the business and was extended to 2 years to allow for the development of local management. At this point in time I felt I\'d spent enough time in this role and despite offers to remain I returned to Germany

Jan.2002 – Dec.2002 Interim Management
Supply Chain Manager
12 month consulting/operational contract at US Can Corporation
The client had terminated the contracts of the incumbant Materials and Logistics Managers.They required an Interim Manager to not only remove or manage the operational issues but also to advise them on a future appropriate organizational structure using up-to-date management techniques. The contract was initially for six months until a permanent replacement could be found .
· The operational responsibility included the logistics activities at three
main sites in Germany and Denmark and encompassed Internal and External Logistics;Material Planning and Control;Capacity and Personnel Planning as well as Industrial Engineering and Quality.
· The consulting responsibility included the short/mid-term development and implementation of a supply chain organization and a short-term action plan to enhance activities and regain the confidence of the suppliers and customers.
Key performance highlights included:
· Master and production plan stabilized at 1.3 billion units p.a.
· Customer Service/Supply Chain teams established to improve the forecasting resulting in a 70% increase in forecasting accuracy
· Production/Supply Chain teams established to improve schedule adherance resulting in a 100% schedule adherance
· Production plan shared with key suppliers (steel) leading to a reduction in raw material stock of 50% and lead time reductions from three to one month
· Developed and implemented VMI with key customers leading to stock reductions of 30% through the supply chain
· ISO processes developed and implemented
As a result of the aforementioned activities customer service levels attained 100% and due to schedule adherance the necessity to buy-in competitive product at a high cost was reduced to zero. A Supply Chain Organization was established which included elements of the Purchasing group and Customer Service.relationships with the 3PL were improved and KPI\'s were developed and implemented.
The client extended the contract initially to nine months and finally one year the goal being to finally hire me on a permanent basis which I turned-down.

Employment History – Permanent Positions

Sept.2000 - Dec.2001 COMMERCE ONE INC.
Leading Provider of B2B Solutions
May 2001 - Dec.2001 Global Services Account Manager and Program Director
Reporting to: Director Global Services – Central Europe
Key Role: Responsible for the SIEMENS Account in EMEA and all implementation projects running for SIEMENS in the Region.
Member of the Central European Region Management Team
Responsible for the AKZO NOBEL Global Account

Sept.2000 - April 2001 Global Services Program Manager
Reporting to: Director Global Services – Central Europe
Key Role: Manage the Global development and deployment of the Commerce One implementation strategy and plans at our key customer SIEMENS. This included the management of a number of global E-commerce projects.
Key achievement: the development and roll-out of the implementation plan and scope, the management of a team of 65 Consultants and Programmers resulting in the successful implementation of the Siemens Click2Procure web-site

Apr. 1998 – Aug.2000 MANUGISTICS GROUP INC.
Principal Consultant – Alliances (Alliance Consulting Manager)
Reporting to: Director – European Strategic Business Unit
Key Role: Develop strategies and business plans for Manugistics Consulting Alliance Partner Program, including goals and objectives, tactics, target partners, etc. as well as the execution of the tactical plan.
Key achievement: the expansion of the Supply Chain practices amongst a number of key European Consulting partners and the development of a number of Supply Chain solutions for customers including 3PL’s

WALKER-GILLET EUROPE, (OEM/Aftermarket-Retail)
April 1997- Mar.1998 European Distribution Network Manager
The position of European Distribution Network Manager carried full responsibility for all European Warehouse and Transport activities reporting to the European Logistics and Purchasing Director.In addition to the tasks noted below I was involved in a major project to link Monroe and Walker together under the banner of Tenneco Automotive AM Division. This entailed an intensive review of all Distribution activities in Europe and the development of an implementation plan to accomplish the goals.

Jan.1995 – Mar.1998 European Project Manager
- Project Manager SAP R3 implementation
- Project Manager \"European Distribution Network\"
plus sole European member of a Tenneco Automotive Worldwide Distribution Team.
The first project was the European implementation of SAP R3 at all sites.
The main tasks involved were:
· Identify and develop common processes applicable for all sites
· Maintain interrelationships with other business processes
· Maintain proper balance between business needs and IS implementation efforts
· Ensure consistent implementation of common processes at each site
· Manage local user involvement/contribution
I managed a five man multi-national team plus local implementation teams,for this project I reported to a Steering Committee of all functional Directors.
The second Project I managed related to the Distribution Strategy Project started in 1993, since re-named European Distribution Network Project. The Project encompassed as highlights the following:
· The establishment of a European Distribution Centre.
· The establishment of a single stocking point for \" slow movers \" .
· Develop a DC in Sweden to handle all Scandinavian business
· Development of a U.K. super site, a combined Walker/Monroe NDC.
· The development of warehouses in Spain, Italy and a new RDC and manufacturing operation in Poland.
· New distribution strategy of shipping A category items from manufacturing facilities ( paint line) directly to the selling warehouses as well as production sourcing decisions
· Assist customers in warehouse operations
· Implementation of Best Methods at all sites

Sept.1993 - Dec.1994 European Logistics Manager
In addition to my German roles I represented Walker Europe in a Distribution Strategy project together with Anderson Consulting and our sister company Monroe.This project totally reviewed our European structures with a view to optimizing both companies logistics and strategic positioning for the future. Additionally studied IS requirements and determined that SAP R3 would enable and support our re-structuring efforts.

Jun 1992 - Aug. 1993 Acting General Manager (Plant Director) and Logistics Manager
( responsibilities included Finance,Human Resources, Quality Assurance, Production and Industrial Engineering )In May 1992 I was asked to run the company temporarily in addition to actual responsibilities. Walker Germany had 325 employees and I reported to the European Operations Director. During this period I implemented a TQM program successfully and organized the development of ISO 9000 processes which led to certification.I also participated in a Tenneco initiative to introduce Cost of Quality and to develop Quality System Processes.

May 1990 - May 1992 Logistics /Production Manager with European responsibilities
I was requested by the European Operations Director additionally to spend more time optimizing the European activities . The first activity was to co-ordinate the sites activities with each other. Other activities which I initiated and developed were:
· the establishment of European Commodity Management.
· Storage containers were standardized which not only reduced our transport requirements and cost by one third ( approx. $US 1 million p.a.) it also reduced internal handling costs by the same value.
· Managed outsourced production processes
On a local basis I initiated a customer survey which resulted in a re-organization of domestic shipping arrangements which led to a reduction in freight costs per unit from DM3.05 in 1991 to DM1.7 in 1994.

May 1989 - Apr 1990 Logistics and Production Manager
In May 1989 the Logistics organization was completed with the integration of the Manufacturing Planning , Components warehouse and Purchasing functions. The decision was taken to close the separate manufacturing facility and integrate on the distribution center site. I was given the additional responsibility of managing all manufacturing functions as well as the closure of the site and its integration in the distribution center.

Jan. 1989 - Apr.1989 Logistics Manager
I developed and implemented first Logistics Department at Walker and in January 1989 added the Intercompany ordering functions . Since the warehouse re-organization provided the site with additional space the decision was taken to install a final assembly activity incl. paint line operations, planning of these activities were my responsibilities.

Apr. 1988 - Dec. 1988 Warehouse and Distribution Manager
The first priority was to improve operating efficiencies in the warehouse and improve service to customers. I reported to the General Manager,Germany and had 60 people on my team. I put in place an implementation plan to upgrade the operation as well as providing Best Method practices which have since been implemented Europe-wide as well as in North America. These improvements allowed Walker Germany to improve service level from the mid-80\'s to an average 98% on-time complete next day deliveries. Warehouse cost per unit was reduced from DM3.39 in 1988 to DM2.11 in 1994 and total Logistic costs as a % of net sales was reduced from 11.8% in 1988 to 8.8% in 1994.The net space requirements was reduced from 50 to 30,000 m2 which allowed the integration of a production facility in 1989/1990.

1974 - 1988 DEERE & COMPANY(Germany & Belgium)
Aug. 1987 - Mar. 1988 Distribution Manager Mannheim Plant
This position was a result of the project and a mix of what was previously two depts. Factory Marketing and Manufacturing planning. I reported to the Works Manager and had twenty eight clerical and ten hourly reporting to me. The business functions included Forecasting;Production planning for Finished Goods, Components and Spare parts ; order entry and management.The main activities were the integration of the new department, introduction of a new tractor range and direct shipments to U.S. customers.

May 1985 - July 1987 Project Manager, IS implementation
This position, reporting to a Project Committee had the full use of all European IS resources to ensure a successful implementation.The project entailed the full implementation of the on-line order entry and order management system at all European facilities.The Project was effectively a re-engineering of the complete order entry and order management processes and was expanded to include stocks at dealers facilities to enable better utilization of inventory. Upon successful implementation I was offered the position of Distribution Manager at the Mannheim Tractor plant.

Jan. 1980 - Apr. 1985 Distribution Manager EMEA
The Construction Equipment Division European Headquarters was located in Brussels. It co-ordinated all activities between customers in EMEA and the Manufacturing sites in Germany, France and North America.The role included all forecasting and order management activities as well as transportation. I participated in multi-functional customer advisory teams to support Dealers in their business. I was also responsible for the implementation of an on-line order entry and management system with all manufacturing plants. Eight people reported to me and I reported to the European Managing Director. As a result of the successful IS implementation I was offered a position at Deeres European Headquarters as Project Manager

Jul. 1978 - Dec. 1979 Group Leader,Factory Marketing
Factory Marketing co-ordinated all activities between Sales units and the Manufacturing site. I was responsible for Forecasting, Manufacturing Allocation Planning and Order Management.I supervised five people and reported to the Factory Marketing Manager. A major function was the preparation and presentation of the Quarterly Strategic Scheduling Meetings to Corporate Management. A further role was the co-ordination of the phase-out of the old tractor range and the phase-in of a new range. Due to this success I was promoted Distribution Manager and transferred to Brussels.

Nov. 1977 - Jun. 1978 Planning Supervisor
I supervised three people and reported to the Manager, Finished Goods.Due to this additional exposure I was promoted within a short period to Group Leader, Factory Marketing.

Jul. 1976 - Oct. 1977 Finished Goods Planner
During this period I was also given the responsibility of co-ordinating the shipment and conversion of U.S manufactured tractors to Europe. Due to the success of this project I was promoted to Planning Supervisor.

May 1974 - Jun.1976 Warehouseman Mannheim Plant

Sept.1973 - Apr. 1974 BENKISER, Germany - Chemical worker

Sept.1971 - Aug.1973 Various positions in England

Sept.1967 - Sept.1971 Police Officer in Derbyshire, England


Noel-Baker Technical Grammar School,Derby
GCE \"O\"levels in English Language;English Literature;French;Mathematics;


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