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General & Change Management - Manufacturing - Business Opera

General & Change Management - Manufacturing - Business Opera

Work Experience

FMCG, Agri-Horticulture, Food, Biopharma, Engineering industries, B2B, B2C. Worked and lived for 70% all over Asia-Africa, 30% in Europe. Over 20 years career, 65% in permanent assignments, 35% on various fixed term contracts.

Held general managerial positions, managed multi-site, regional-local manufacturing and supply chain operations, restructurings, integrations-mergers, business and operational excellence programs. Experienced in greenfield operations and start-ups. Engaged in finance and business development. In general managed 3 to 12 reports, 5 to 2500 staff. P/L responsibility from € 2 to 60 MM, larger site management-throughput responsibilities.

Open and broad minded in personality and work experience, cross cultural, interact at all levels. Ability to think strategically, act operational, go in-depth on issues and topics. Creative solutions to challenges, hands-on. Facilitate individuals and teams to succeed, performance driven.

Worked with SMEs as well as Unilever-Kimberley, TheMedicineCompany, Oriflame, OFS Precision Engineering, Friesland Campina, others. Speaks English, Dutch, Bahasa Indonesia-Malay, basic German, French, some Thai.

2011 - Present: BV - BIE Group - other contracting parties, The Netherlands, Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe Interim - Contract Positions, among others:
- Interim General Manager Bulgaria-Romania, SunOptaFoods - TradinOrganics, € 10 MM P/L, 80 staff: Turnaround of this organic ingredients manufacturing business from loss making to a course of healthy profits: Changed focus to real loss making issues, solve these. Rationalized business operations.
- General Manager Dummen Orange Ethiopia, hi-tech greenhouse operations, € 11 MM P/L, 2500 staff: Revamped HR agenda, infrastructure set-up, operations; set new strategic directions integrated with operations-performance-HR-target planning, created an inspired 1 team culture; tackled corruption; performed 20% better than budget; established a business operational excellence program, among others succeeded in annual and weekly work plan scheduling for 2500 staff over 12 departments, here driving efficiency, staff job focus, supervisors’ quality focus, management control.
- Manufacturing-Supply Chain Director, MDCO, managed a bio-pharma product launch, upscale production.
- Interim Director OFS, asked by co-investor to join, supported a business performance recovery for this innovative technology and machinery business start-up in rapid digital re-configurable moulds for thermo plastics, orthopaedic shoes and other 3D shapes. Results: Business focus, realized lean sourcing and production at 28% lower costs, contracted a new production-assembly partner, by these actions laid the business foundation for the future.
- Consultancy, Myanmar: Dairy and agribusiness investments planning, M&A, others.
- Site Manager, Sunnyland, Belgium. Juices, dairy production. Drive operations simplification and downsizing.
- Interim Managing Director - BU Head for Alloga - AHC, The Netherlands, a logistics-manufacturing services provider to the Pharmaceutical industry: 110 staff, € 12 MM P/L. Assigned to bridge a period without MD, bring operational stability. Results: a rapid change of minds on strategy and priorities. Realized a business recovery in terms of EBIT, service performance, retain clients, get new clients.
- Others

2009-2011 - Oriflame SA, Regional Office Thailand
Senior Director Operations and Supply Chain Asia
Responsible for Oriflame’s supply chain and operations in China, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Iran, other Asian. 10 direct reports, several hundred staff, € 150 MM turnover. Tasked to manage growth, professionalize human resources, develop distribution channels, improve logistics cost and services; implement JDA-ERP and S&OP, improve in house factories’ and sub-contractors’ performances. Results:
• New strategic directions, inspired operations management & staff: the right people-skills combinations on the right positions, properly supported and facilitated. Initiated centers of excellence, standardization.
• By directing the purchases, budgets and production series of Oriflame’s sub-contractors and in-house regional factories’ in China and India, as well as by S&OP-JDA implementation, have achieved leaner and in time production, over 5 % service level improvement, significant lower material-obsolete costs.
• Started up 3 Regional Central DCs, closed down 10 small DCs; implemented high operational standards, 5S and operational excellence projects; this all in order to achieve better service performance, prevention of pilferage, HSSE-pharma standard compliance and facilitate growth.

2008-2009: AKZO Nobel-ICI Vietnam, Gate Group - Gate Gourmet The Netherlands
Short term – contract assignments
General Manager with Gate Group – Gate Gourmet Amsterdam. Tasked to manage the 24-365 operations with this food manufacturing, supply & logistics service provider to the airline industry, recession management to restore EBITDA. 280 staff, 8 reports, € 60 MM P/L. Results:
- Recession client re-contracting. Large global client acquisition (+ 60% volume). Designed new infrastructure - equipment expansion, simultaneously achieving an operational excellence set-up.
- Re-organized the food production and procurement organization: 14.5% savings in strategic procurement and operational efficiency gains. Implemented several operational excellence projects (Kaizen, 6 Sigma).
- Implemented SAP – MRP-WMS-finance systems. Revamped quality of warehouse operations, 5S, etc.
Director during the acquisition of ICI Paints Vietnam by the Akzo Nobel – integrating 3 factories:
- Directed the new ICI factory management team to bring their plant to full operations, produce all product varieties, solve numerous engineering, IT and start-up issues.
- Determined post acquisition manufacturing foot-print. Achieved 7.4% integration procurement synergy.

2003-2007 BFS-Asia - Singapore, Indonesia
General Manager
A new venture in remote location agri-commodity sourcing, logistics and processing services. In charge of business establishment, daily operations. Results:
• Established the joint ventures. Build a factory-process facility for processing Seaweed to E406, manage operations. Established a horticulture production – post harvest treatment - cold chain business operation serving modern retail. Profit in in year 3.
• To further support the business: Co-developed e-commerce and web based transactions systems. For OpsecSecurity PLc UK, defining a secured web based system and operations set-up of a new franchise business in (tobacco, liquor, electronics) duty-tax stamp distribution-counterfeiting operations, Malaysia.

1999-2003: , Netherlands, Singapore, Indonesia
Interim-Contract Manager and Consultant
- During 2000-2003 mainly in Indonesia: For Unilever-Kimberly Clark, Heineken, Greenfields Dairy and Regal Springs Food: Contract management and consultancy assignments in multi-site manufacturing-supply chain, managed a fresh dairy product range launch, establishment planning of new factories (farmed fish processing and feminine care). Other projects in investment planning, feasibility study, value chain and general strategy for Syngenta, IFC, Meratus Shipping Lines.
- 1999-2000: Interim Supply Chain – Manufacturing manager for food starches producer Tate & Lyle, The Netherlands: Streamline production planning & operations during a globalization of planning functions.

1995-1998: Friesland Campina - Blue chip FMCG Consortium - Combined Logistics Ltd, Indonesia
Joint MNC Distribution Centre Start-up Manager, supporting the start up a 15 member joint retail distribution consortium (Unilever, Friesland Campina, Nestle, others): New operational JV establishment, successful € 6 MM retail distribution business.
Supply Chain Manager, in merger of 2 factories and distribution company, tasked with establishment and operations of the supply chain department, develop the organization.

1991-1995: BDO Financial Consultants, Indonesia
Consultant with this fifth largest Global Accountancy
Executed numerous projects for BDO’s clients in business and financial planning, management accounting systems and tax planning, later on in finance restructuring. Separately engaged in business and advisory projects for MUREI Electronics Industry, Sara Lee, Nestle, others in multi factory production location optimization, investment planning – feasibility studies. Seconded to DHV Engineering Consultants (now Royal Haskoning DHV) in financial planning, secure funding and similar exercises.


Master Business Economics
Advanced Leadership Courses
Sterile Manufacturing


General Management – Strategy – People Management: Directing businesses, departments and projects, excellent business acumen, PL management, human resources inspiration & organization development.

Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Operations, Procurement: Solid track record in multi-site manufacturing-operations-supply chain management, establishment, optimizations, mergers and integrations, including HSSE, full infrastructure- equipment appraisals, lean manufacturing tools (Kaizen, Black/Green Belt, Six Sigma, others), quality-phyto-hygiene systems, S&OP, ERP systems, engineering, maintenance. Solid knowledge of procurement, outsourcing, franchising.

Greenfield operations, infrastructure set-up, contracting, outsourcing: Professional and hands-on knowledge of start-ups, infra& organization integrations, finance & investments, contracts and arrangements.


Speaks English, Dutch, Bahasa Indonesia-Malay, basic German, French, some Thai.


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