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Process Development Manager/Trainer

Process Development Manager/Trainer

Work Experience

Interim HRM-Projects

Econcern (2007 - 2009 February
Econcern is a very fast-growing international energy supplier in the field of sustainable energy.

Assignment executed:
1. Developing policy for the variable rewarding system including the methodology based on existing work processes.
2. Based on the existing work processes, milestones are defined. Each Team who reaches a milestone entitles for a Team Bonus. Team Bonuses are only paid on realized margins.
3. Presentation of the uniform variable rewarding system to the Board and Workers Council.
4. To establish the communication associated.
5. As a project manager I also was responsible for the implementation in ERP software
6. Setting up the related regulations.
7. Introduction at Jan 1, 2009.
8. Creating a new employment contract.
9. Making Job-descriptions according the KECARS© method.

ISGF-Sudan (2007)
In Sudan I was in charge of a transportation. I also hired some local guides. Furthermore I kept the communication with Europe.

BREED (2006 – 2007)
A company in social production services.
Assignment executed:
1. Appreciation appraisals conducted by using the KECARS-system.
2. Making an action plan for improvements.
3. Assisting employees with implementing the improvements.

Anabeeb Saudi Arabia (2005 – 2006)
Anabeeb is a Saudi Arabia company in complete maintenance for oil- and oil related industries.
Anabeeb is growing fast (at this moment a 1000 employees) and I was asked to set-up a good salary-system and an appraisal system.
Assignment executed:
1. Research on the current salaries.
2. Setting up a new salary system.
3. Setting up Job descriptions.
4. Determination new Job-names.
5. Ranking and classify jobs.
6. Cost calculation of the new salary system.
7. Setting up a new appraisal system.
8. Setting up some training modules.
9. Starting up cooperation with other Saudi Companies on behalf trainings.
10. Several presentations provided in- and external Anabeeb
Several individual coaching routes, partly under own management, partly by means of re-integration companies. (2003 - 2004)

TH-Rijswijk (2003 – 2004.)
Teacher in ARBO- and HRM management.

Intrum Justitia (2002 )
The Intrum Justitia group is an international company in receivable management services with 22 subsidiaries in Europe.
Assignment executed:
1. Together with the General manager setting up a new organization structure.
2. Setting up a HR-back office and HR-front office.
3. Harmonization Compensation & Benefits. (executed cost-neutral)
4. Redesigning the HR departments.
5. Negotiating outcomes with Unions and Workers counsel.
6. Selected a new PI-system.
7. Closing the international receivable management department.
8. Supervised the The Hague and the Rotterdam HR departments.
9. Trained the new HR-Director on the job.

TACIS Russia (2001- 2002.)
Within the framework of the further development of the independent states of the former Soviet-Union the EU gives by means of TACIS support to companies who want to operate according free market conditions.
Assignment executed
1. Advising the owner of some large buildings how to organize the basic business process.
2. Advising how to make the organization structure and the Compensation & Benefits strategy.
3. Gave trainings to consultants in operating their Consultancy organization.
4. Gave relevant presentations on behalf the owner and the consultants.

PipeLife Nederland B.V. (2001.)
A subsidiary of Solvay International and Wienerberger International.
One of the largest Dutch producers of piping systems of commercial plastics with about 300 employees.
Assignments executed
1. Negotiating the Collective Labor Agreement with the Unions.
2. Setting up culture based projects.
3. Setting up MD-programs.
4. Settled redundancy agreements on behalf resignations settlements.
5. Preparing the financial side of a possible social plan.
6. Reviewing the Company Handbook on behalf the employees.
7. Supervised the HR-department.

Desseaux (2000 – 2001.)
A subsidiary of the American Armstrong International. An international carpet and artificial grass company.
Assignments executed
1. The daily HRM work on behalf of the Dutch subsidiaries of the Desseaux group.
2. Integration of Bergoss and Desso.
3. Setting up Business Units as a member of the project team.
4. Setting up a career development system.
5. Advocating a company broad SWOT-analysis.
6. Harmonizing some specific Compensation and Benefits.
7. Negotiating outcomes with Unions and Workers counsel.
8. Supervised the HR departments in The Netherlands.

Ward Cambell (January - December 1999.)
A consulting company. After advising companies on their Compensation & Benefits strategy, the regulations were placed into a special IT-system.
Assignments executed
1. Looking after the input of HR data for constructing the IT-system.
2. Demonstrating the IT-system at exhibitions and at companies.
3. Setting up a retirements plan.
4. I trained an IT-company in professionalizing their HRM-department.

USF-BENELUX (January- November 1998.)
A subsidiary of the International United Filter Company 1998.
A new international operating company in water-treatment with about 500 employees in the Benelux with headquarters in Madrid Spain. (4 subsidiaries in Holland and 2 in Belgium).
Assignments executed:
1. Streamlining and bringing together the different subsidiaries.
2. Negotiating the Collected Labour Agreements with the Unions and Workers Councils.
3. Setting up MD, together with HQ-Madrid.
4. Supervised the different HR-departments in the Netherlands and Belgium.

ABB Lummus Global BV and ABB Lummus Heat Transfer BV. (1996 – 1997.)
Both engineering companies are working all over the world with people of different nationalities.)
(English is the conference language).
Two internationally operating engineering companies. (about 1400 employees)
Assignments executed
1. Setting up a new training in Team-building.
2. Gave many teambuilding trainings to clients and ABB-staff.
3. Setting up Job-descriptions.
4. Hiring and firing of international staff and sub-contractors.
5. Coordinating of ARBO-activities, (labor working conditions.)
6. HR Manager on behalf Lummus Heat Transfer BV.


Breman Holding BV
A company with 24 subsidiaries in installation techniques in house building with about 1250 employees.

Period : 1992 – 1996.
Job : Managing Director Personnel and Organization.

1. Increasing productivity and profits by creating adequate organization structures.
2. communication lines and responsibilities on behalf the companies and the employees.
3. Closing of one of the companies.
4. Matching of manpower with production and sales requirements.
5. Representation the whole organization vis-à-vis the unions for collective and individual affairs.
6. Setting up a new subsidiary in Berlin (Germany).
7. Developing a company broad Compensation & Benefits strategy.
8. Trained the managing directors and labor-councils in management and social skills.
9. Lectured internal and external.
10. Introduction work deliberation, policy in sick absence and implementation of the ARBO-law.
11. Setting up several Culture based projects. Streamlining the different subsidiaries.
12. Solved several cooperation problems between the Workers Councils and Managing Directors.

Menken Dairy Food
An international company in producing and selling dairy food products with about 220 employees.

Period : 1990 – 1992.
Job : Human Resources Manager and member of the management team.

1. Setting up an HRM-department.
2. Setting up in co-operation with the total company a MD-policy.
3. Setting up Safety-procedures.
An international operating company in raw materials on behalf commercial plastics, coatings and drugs.

Total Period: 1985-1990.

Period I : 1985 – 1988.
Job : Human Resources Officer R&D Akzo Chemicals Division.

Period II : 1988 – 1990.
Job : Human resources Officer Paint Plant, Facility Services and Restaurant Akzo Coatings Division.

1. I was a trainer on behalf the Culture Based program “Attention for Operations"
2. Streamlining the Technical Services of the Paint factory and the R&D-department.
3. Reorganizing the Company Restaurant.

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Study Business Administration/Sociology and Economics

Period : 1980 - 1985

Extra activities:
1. Investigation of soil pollution beneath a railway-yard.
2. A teacher in law and statistics at a college of economics.

Inspection Institute of Waterworks (KIWA)

Period : 1976-1980.
Job : Technical engineer.

Headlines :
1. To give control auditors at the Dutch Delta Works.
2. Writing requirements of certification and methods to prove the
3. Controlling the different (aspirant) certified companies.

Energy Research Center Netherlands (ECN)

Period : 1974 – 1976.
Job : Research analyst.

Headlines :
1. Research on uranium compounds.


1985 Erasmus University Rotterdam, Business Administration and Sociology
(University degree: Drs., equivalent to MSc. degree).
1985 Erasmus University Rotterdam, First degree in teaching economics.
1975 Rotterdam Polytechnic College, H.T.S. chemistry.
(College degree: Ing., equivalent to BSc. degree).
1974 H.B.O.-B chemistry (equivalent to technical college diploma).
1972 H.B.O.-A chemistry (equivalent to technical college diploma).
1968 Mulo in mathematics (equivalent to high school certificate).

2008 Strategic Positioning Companies (Chamber of Commerce)
2007 Licensed for EmoTech.
2003/04 Train the Trainer (UQC).
2003/04 Practitioner NLP (UQC).
1998/99 Prego toolbox training (Secorp).
1998 SAP-overview and SAP HR-training (SAP).
1998 Sales-Counselor Course (Wilson Learning/USF-Madrid).
1997 Presentation Techniques (Elsevier Talen).
1997 Work-shop Personal Empowerment Program (Tree).
1996 Teambuilding Shell/ABB Lummus Global/Comprimo.
1996 NLP (VOC).
1994 Management course (van Veen).
1992 English conversation course (Elsevier Talen).
1992 Behavior analysis by the PAPI-method (PA-Consulting).
1990 Logistics (MOC).
1989/90 Creating 'unit-structure' at Akzo-Coatings (Rijn training)
1988 Effective coaching and counseling (van Veen).
1987 Effective cooperation (van Veen).
1987 Human Resources Management (De Baak).
1986 Training ‘Empowerment for Operations' at Akzo Chemicals (De Baak).
1978/79 Several courses in commercial plastics (KRITNO).

Dutch : mother tongue.
English : conversation, reading and writing.
German : conversation.

Special skills:
• Familiar with actual software programs.
• Developing training-manuals.

Products of Bureau Dijkstra:

Effective brainstorming method,
a systematic treatment for:
• Policy making
• Problem solving.
• How to come to an effective cooperation

• An appraisal method combined with the measuring of satisfaction.

Several studies in Policy Management.

• salary structure and building up.
• what is effective management.
• usefulness of motivated staff.


I am eager with good quality aware, flexible, self-starter and steer on acceptance and results. I am a leader.
My motto is “More output by passion in the co-operation”.
My acting is tuned on the primary business processes. I am a team player and trainer/coach and steer on accepted changes and personal grow.


Dutch : mother tongue.
English : conversation, reading and writing.
German : conversation.


Special skills:
• Familiar with actual software programs.
• Developing training-manuals.

Bureau Dijkstra:
Products: ▪ Effective Brainstorm Method®. A method for teambuilding and communication.
 Appraisal form and method.
 Several studies in Policy Management


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