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Analist – programeur

Analist – programeur

Werkervaring interimmanager

Mainframe Analist Programmeur
ontwikkelen en onderhoud business application system,
on-line en batch
Automatisering data transfers XCOM,FTP,SMTP
Junior Analist-programmeur,COBOL,PL1,REXX,JCL
IT-support medewerker,VisualBasic,EXCEL,ACCESS
Werftoezichter bouw werven
Werfleider in het bouw

Opleiding interimmanager

Industrieel ingenieur bouwkunde
Informatica, programmeren
Interne opleiding
Mainframe Analist Programmeur

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Programeren Mainframe en PC
Zelfstandig manier van werken
Probleem oplosser

Talenkennis interimmanager

Nederlands, Engels, Duits, Russisch


List Of Tasks
Performed during the last 5 years

Support, maintenance and improvement of Business Application System

- Debugging on-line and batch programs
Logical, technical and data errors
Data inconsistency
Report and screen layouts
Program performance
Y2K conversion

- New development
Online functions and programs
Batch programs
Report and screen layouts
Data table definitions

- Accountancy module
User support
Month-end-closing batch support
Migration to People Soft

- Migrate VM file transmissions to XCOM, FTP, SMTP, CA DATACOM
New interactive on-line interface for:
User-job submissions
Files upload and download
On line report generation
Security access and processing log

- Automate email-traffic-migration from VM to MVS (SMTP)
Create JCL PROC and REXX driver for auto-conversion and
compliance integration of the different mailing cases.
Specify and implement new SMTP user exit to the current printing

- Recompile and test all PL/1 modules for implementing new Language environment.

- Automate bulk data entry
Create user programs and queries.

- Development utilities – create, amend and support.
JCL generator
Search engine

- Review, debug, synchronize Batch Job Schedules in CA7 (scheduling pgm)

- Tidy up, debug, improve:
Parameter passing between on-line modules
Error messaging
Help sub system
Y2K compliance

- Automate data-transmission-failure handling
New JCL PROC and REXX driver for
Queuing the data for later processing
Generate warning to the users
Maintain the data queue
Integrate different transmission cases
Interactive system for data re-transmission
including security access and logging
Implement on existing 990 jobs

- Year 2000 conversion

- Helpdesk
Support users
Online system
Batch processing
Data queries
PC use
Security access
Inquire, log and resolve problem incidents

- Backlog, weekend and month-end standby


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