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Strategy HR management consultant / Interim Manager

Strategy HR management consultant / Interim Manager

Work Experience

In 23 years - as employee and HR-Entrepreneur - I have covered almost all aspects and disciplines in the HR field.
The last 10 years (since 2003) I have specialized in HR solutions at strategic level. I’ve worked for all sorts of companies and organisations (governmental, profit and non-profit, international). My service offerings are:

• Reorganisation:
of the position of HR and Staffing Department within the organisation;

• Business Development:
HR process and business development; Quartermaster HR business development;

• Compensation & Benefits Consultancy: e.g. salary schemes / remunerations for management positions;

• Coaching: Executive, (and) team coaching;

• Executive Management:
Interim Manager HR Business unit or Interim HR Director.


Management Consultant (2010)
Science of Organizations (1992)
Master of Social Science (1990)
Management Training (several)
Coaching skills


No nonsense professional, reliable, positive mindset, energetic; give direction, motivate people and achieve sustainable results; like to play a significant role in society; accustomed to working within the government and not-for-profit-organisations, as well for commercial companies; like a challenging assignment and accomplish this with great energy and with innovative ideas.

Professional experience: 25 years in management positions; 23 years as an entrepreneur.


English: at good working level
Spanish: at basic working level
Dutch: native speaker


Available for working in The Netherlands and in Europe.
As management consultant, at Project Management and at Executive Management level


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