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Work Experience

Working experiences (limited to past 10 years):

April/today 2007
Short order for strengthening and upgrading administrative organisation for Health Care Insurance Company.

September 2005 - April 2007
Financial manager.
The company I work for is leading in the extra large print industry. My responsabilities are: financial management, including forecasts, taxes and liquid assets, leasefleet management, riskmanagement and creditmanagement. I assist the genaral manager inthese areas as well in strategic and tactical management.

January 2005 - August 20054
Manager Tax and administration support.
Assigned to a Support agency for cultural Amsterdam.
Manage he department (5 staff), annual reports and tax applications for larger accounts.

July 2004 - January 2005:
Sabbatical because of later age fatherhood

December 2001 ¡V July 2004
Position: Financial Manager Social Welfare Organisation in The Hague
Situation : this organisation was the result of a merger of two totally different organisations. In the merger process the differences in culture between the organisation has been underestimated. The newly appointed external managing director aimed at integration of both cultures and chose for the implementation of integral management as a tool.
The organisation therefore has been restructured from local organised into product organised.
At the same time we wanted the organisation to be more efficient and more cost aware. These principles needed to be translated to the operational level. To achieve this we developed a more sophisticated planning- and control cycle.
Beside all this the organisation made a huge loss in its first year and faced a shortage of liquid assets on a very short notice.

Duties : judgement and when necessary improving processes within the department, change of the ruling mentality within the support departments, restructuring the department in order to achieve more efficiency. As a result of this I faced decisions and managing objectives such as selection and implementation of new accounting software, design and implementation of the planning- and control cycle, managing financial and administrative processes i.e. production annual report, budgets and mid term forecast, selection of a integrated software system for the staff administration and monthly salary process, production of capacity planning.
All these circumstances caused a profound re-orientation on reporting and cost control within the management team. I was the first responsible in this process.

December 1998 - February 2002
Company : Interim Management BV
Position : General manager
Duties : General management of the agency with 5 staff. All thinkable aspects such as financial management, quality management, marketing, supervision etc.
One of the two pillars of was tob e an intermediate for highly skilled interim professionals, preferrably in the field of change management. The other pillar was the recruitment of topmanagers.
„X Intakes of potential interim-staff
„X Inventarory of assignment for the client,
„X ¡¥Shadowmanagement¡¦, quality assurance assignments,
„X Account management
„X Negociating sales contracts and purchase of capacity,
„X Judging performance of interim staff

Besides day to day routine:
Teacher Interim Management, Hogeschool Rotterdam (1997 and 1998)
Teacher Financial Management, Hogeschool Rotterdam (1997 and 1998) VO-MOB (Masters in Management, Organisation and Strategy)

December 2001 ¡V April 2004:
Editor/reporter local radio Zeist/Bunnik, responsible for weekly broadcast of a newsshow, including local politics.
April 2004 ¡V to date:
Chairman local TV/radio Zeist/Bunnik. Ambition: implementation of local television.

December 1998 ¡V December 1999.
Company : RET Rotterdam (public transport)
Position : Interim Controller
Duties : development of cost-control concept and preparation of the implementation of management instruments for investment projects such as TramPlus- and \'de Boer EIISS\'-projects, incl. the devolpment of a standard cost accounting structure in the RET systems,
Management reports concerning progress and forecasts of running and starting projects for internal and external parties, including consolidation of the various project reports.
Design and implementation of budgetting system of the project organisation,
Attend to project groups,
Advising and support projectmanagers,
Invoicing projects to subsidiaries

July 1998 - November 1998
Company : DPA Audit Detachment BV
Position : Senior Consultant
Duties : accepting assignment requests,
Intakes potential interim staff
Inventory of assigments for clients,
¡¥Shadowmanagement¡¦, quality assurancy running assignments,
Negociating sales tariffs and purchase tariffs
Recruitment DPA staff

Opdrachten als zelfstandige :

Periode december 1996 t/m juni 1998
Company : Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Schiphol
Position : Controller Investment Projects
Duties : Development of cost-control concept and implementation of relevant instruments considering all major Schiphol \'airside\' investerments, incl. development of a standaard accounting and reporting structure (SAP R2),
Development of a different management structure for larger investment projects such as runway 5.
Responsible for Management reports re progress and forecasts of all relevant projects,
Responsible for departments budget as well as investments budgets, contribute to the Schiphol Business Development Plan.
Development of interaction between technical and financial software
Managing cost control awareness in the department staff
Financial and economical support of the management businessunit.
Member Schiphol MT with specialisation investment projects
Attending project groups.
Managing 3 staff and 1-2 external staff

August 1995 - October 1996
Company : Finance Department, Taxdept, Centre for Facility Management
Position : Interim Controller.
Duties : Supporting of PFC-medewerkers in Facility servisces in their try-out period in Zwolle, Eindhoven, Gouda, Rotterdam. From the gathered experiences in these pilot projects developing administrative organisation using Exact software. Writing and editing Manual for the PFC-function on regional level. Implementing AO in regional centres. Development of management information system.

Ocktober 1994 - April 1995
Company : Police Region Utrecht
Position : finance staff
Duties : Administrative organisation re cross checks between general ledger and salary-administration.


TU Delft, faculty Building Technique (not finished)
Basic Accounting
Registered Auditors Education, Bachelor, finished remaining education: general part
Internal education Tax Department for the position of Tax Auditor, finished
Software experience (a.o.):
• Exact (incl. E-salaries, incl building staff salary regulations)
• SAP R2
• Office 2000, Office XP


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