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Programma / Project Manager

Programma / Project Manager

Work Experience

4/98 - Founder
present Consultancy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Key Accomplishments:
• Managed the gathering of requirements and software selection phases of an IFRS implementation project for a division of a large, multinational Dutch bank. Reported to the Global (Worldwide) Project manager.
• Performed as Interim Manager, during a 6 month period, replacing and performing most of the duties of a VP responsible for the portfolio of financial / ICT projects for a division of a large, multinational Dutch bank. Key responsibilities included preparing the project & maintenance budget for the following year (2003) totaling approximately € 20 million, and direct responsibility over two projects:
• Managed a project to implement a software package for monthly reporting of financials to the Dutch Central Bank. The project with a budget of € 1,750,000 Euros was executed by a team of 30 (managed directly 9 external consultants and indirectly the ICT, users, and vendor teams).
• Managed a project to implement a software package for registration, management and reporting of the legal structure (subsidiaries / participations) world-wide. The project with a budget of € 500,000 was executed by a team of 20 (managed directly 2 internal project leaders and indirectly the users, vendor and ICT team’s activities respectively).
• Managed the scope and analysis (business blueprint) phases of the implementation of SAP SEM- Strategic Enterprise Management module-, for a division of a large, multinational Dutch bank for the management of the consolidated group level yearly budget and performance indicator information (dashboard). The project with a budget of € 2,350,000 was executed by team of 20, (managed directly 8 external consultants, 2 internal project leaders, and an internal analyst and indirectly ICT and user teams).
• Managed and fully participated in the development of a Strategic Information Plan for a Dutch government agency. Process Modeling aided by Powersoft’s Process Analyst; Data Modeling aided by Powersoft’s Data Architect. Reported directly to the CFO & IT Manager. Project budget was 280,000 guilders.
• Managed and facilitated a 100,000 guilders project to define the global organization requirements for Relationship and Customer Management for a Dutch government agency. Requirements gathering was accomplished via JRP sessions (in Dutch) with multi-disciplinary or multi-functional teams with as many as 26 participants. Methodology used was ADMethod / DSDM. Reported directly to the Head of Marketing.
• Participated in a large scale innovation project for a Dutch government agency in two roles:
• Managed a team of 12 performing feasibility studies, proof of concept and prototypes in the Knowledge Management area. Prototypes realized using VB, AION8 and Oracle and CommonKads (method).
• Managed a team of 30 performing Business Analysis and Functional Design in a project to automate claims for unemployment and long-term disability using Sterling’s Cool:Gen and Oracle. Methodologies used were DSDM & Commonkads.
• Led a team of 8 responsible for the implementation of a PMO (Project Management office) for the ICT arm of a Dutch telecommunications company (1200 users). The project included all activities required to properly support the process, organization and tools (ABT Repository, Project Workbench and ABT Connect). PM methodology used was PROBAAT.

6/95 - Senior Project Manager
3/98 Amsterdam Software Consulting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Key Accomplishments:
• Managed the start up phase of a development project (approximately 250,000 guilders) dealing with fees for harbor use for a Dutch government agency. Activities included facilitating JRP sessions, managing the scoping process. Methodology used was ADMethod.
• Managed the development of over 250,000 guilders Contract Administration package and its integration to a Relationship Management package for a Dutch government agency. Activities included facilitating JRP and JAD (both in Analysis and Design) sessions, managing the requirements process, the design phase, the development phase and system and functional testing. Supervised the activities of an analyst and two developers. This system was developed using a Business Event Modeling Approach, Data Architect, SQL Server, Delphi, Windows NT and integration with Microsoft's Office Applications. Methodology used was ADMethod.
• Performed the quality role in the development of a fl 500,000 Auction software package, for a Dutch auction house, which consists of four modules: Relationship Manager, Finance and Administration, Marketing and Production and Container Inventory. Activities included quality controls in the requirements, design, development and testing phases. This system was developed using Data Architect, SQL Server, Delphi, Windows NT and integration with Microsoft's Office Applications. Methodology used was ADMethod.
• Developed technique related training materials and conducted training sessions. Classes taught included Business Event Modeling, Project Management and JAD Facilitation.
• Tasked with the methods and tool training of new employees.
• Managed the development of an Employment Agency software package, which consisted of five functional modules: Relationship Manager, Candidate Profile Manager, Job Management and Contact Administration and Matching. Activities included managing the user requirements process, managing the activities of two developers, system and functional testing. This system was developed Data Architect, SQL Server, Visual Basic, Windows NT and integrated with Microsoft's Office Applications. Methodology used was RAD AD/Method(prototype – detail)
• Managed and facilitated in the scoping phase and RFP Preparation of an insurance system development project. Facilitated all the Scoping JRP sessions. Delivered a Scoping and RFP document. The system was composed of four subsystems: Relationship management, Policy Management, Claims Management and Product Management. This package was prepared using a Business Event Modeling approach / ADMethod.

3/91- Project Manager, Sr. Operations Research Analyst & Operations Research Analyst
5/95 John Alden Financial Company, Miami Florida
Key Accomplishments:
• Managed a US $ 1, 5 million dollar sub-project to manage the relationship between John Alden and their agents (producers). The project was developed using AD/Method (an Information Engineering - Event Modeling based methodology), Knowledgeware’s (Sterling) Applications Development Workbench (ADW) in CICS / COBOL and DB2. Managed a team of three programmers and an analyst. Participated in all strategic planning and scoping sessions with the senior management team. In addition to managing the team, facilitated all Initial Analysis JRP Sessions and Detailed Analysis JAD sessions.
• Managed the three first corporate Windows Networks implementations (team ten persons)
• Managed the development of a internal budgeting system (team of 12 persons)
• Participated in managing the US $ 2 Million IT budget for the Finance & Corporate Services Division.
• Developed and completed a “Business Continuity” Plan for the Cash Management Area
• Facilitated, trained, coached and managed two teams (12 persons) on Total Quality Management projects
• Performed as lead contact for systems development tools (Knowledgeware), Methodology (Structured Solutions) and project management and estimating tools (ABT)
• Initiated and participated in the formation of a centralized PMO (Project Management Office)

10/88 - Financial Systems Planning Manager, Financial Planning Manager, Financial Analyst & Project Control
3/91 Administrator
System One Holdings, Miami, Florida
Key Accomplishments:
• Responsible for all financial and Project management aspects of systems development work and maintenance provided by System One to Eastern. Total Budget managed total $80 million/year.
• Retained by Eastern to manage the structured phase-out of systems and telecommunications, after the airline shutdown.
• Responsible for all financial aspects of $114 million fixed-price systems development project and miscellaneous task-order based projects, each around $ 20 million. Responsibilities included accounts receivable ($3 million per month), accounts payable, cash flow, budget preparation, revenue reporting and variance analysis, pricing, audit, dispute resolution and supervision of one analyst.
• Liaison to all company areas involved in the project including accounting, applications programming, systems programming, telecommunications, training, legal and project management. Liaison to client's financial and project coordinators
• Developed all systems and procedures performed by the projects’ financial /project control area
• Identified and invoiced $500,000 of work performed for the client, not covered under contracts.
• Participated in the design and development of a PC based system to report Project and Cost Status in accordance to IBM sub-contract (standard government project report-earned value).
• Participated in the scheduling, method and requirements for conversion of information in the labor tracking system to the project management system.
• Participated in the development of procedures and manuals for the newly created Project Management Office (PMO).

12/85 - Senior Systems Analyst & Systems Analyst
05/88 Citicorp Savings of Florida, Miami, Florida
Key Accomplishments:
• Managed a project (including the assistance of a Big-eight consulting firm) to produce and analyze the workflows and procedures of an Operations Division (including Customer Service, Customer Research/Investigations, Checking Accounts, Item Processing and Statement Rendition), submitted recommendations for operations and systems improvements. Overall savings of 11 FTE.
• Defined system requirements, designed, programmed, tested and implemented an investigations tracking system in DBASE III+.
• Analyzed the processes of the Corporate Services business unit (Warehousing, Purchasing and Investigation of Potential Losses), submitted recommendations for improvement and assisted the Operations Head in implementing them.
• Managed the implementation of a Productivity Management System in six departments.
• Designed, programmed, tested and implemented a Productivity Management System in DBASE III.
• Defined the systems requirements for a Salary/Budgeting Forecasting System.
• Created and wrote a procedures manual to handle the reconciliation of the payroll prepared by a vendor and in-house supplied benefits and payroll information.
• Designed, programmed, tested, documented and implemented a system to record, control and report employee benefits information.
• Participated in the creation and implementation of a Contingency Planning program, for a Cash Management area.

Prior experience includes Deloitte Haskins & Sells (now Deloitte Touche), Peat Marwick Mitchell (Now KPMG), Coulter Electronics, and American Savings and Loan. Available on request


09/82 - 06/83 University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
Completed 9 credits towards a M.S. - Emphasis on Management Science / Operations Research
09/77 - 12/80 University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
Bachelor in Science in Systems Analysis - Emphasis on Management Science / Operations Research

Continuing Education
1999 DSDM Practitioners Course – FI academy
1994 Marketing the IS Organization Internally - Ouellette & Associates Consulting Inc.
1994 ADW Design and Construction Basics - The Knowledge Exchange
1994 Assertive Communications Skills for Women
1994 Management Team Development Workshop - John Alden
1993 Customer Service for IS (Information Systems) - Russell Martin
1993 Leadership Skills - The Business Women’s Training Institute
1993 Putting the Customer First - John Alden In-house training
1993 JAD Facilitation - Structured Solutions, Inc.
1993 Business Process Re-engineering - Technology Transfer Institute
1992 Analysis to Design Transition (using ADW) - Structured Solutions, Inc.
1992 Process Modeling - Structured Solutions, Inc.
1992 Analysis Phase of Application Development (using ADW) - Structured Solutions, Inc.
1992 Disaster Recover Planning – A.M.A. (American Management Association)
1992 ADMethod: An overview - Structured Solutions, Inc.
1992 LOMS Level 1- Life Management Institute
1991 Managerial and Team Building Skills for Project Managers - A.M.A.
1991 Project Management - National Seminars Group Workshop
1990 MSA - Internal Financial Planning Workshop
1988 Project Management Workshop and PAC - AGS Management Systems
1987 Developing Management Skills - Citicorp In-house training
1987 Quality - Productivity Seminar - American Express/Nova University
1987 Leadership Skills - The Business Women's Training Institute
1985 Production Management for Bankers - Impact Systems Inc.
1984 First Year Consulting Skills - DH&S In-house Training
Additional Information (1979 – 1983) available on request


Project / Programma Management
Group Facilitation (JRP, JAD & Strategic Planning)
Systems Development & Implementation
Business Analysis
Total Quality Management


Proficient in English and Spanish
Fluent in Dutch


03/99 Facilitator Certification - IAF / DSDM Consortium
02/92 Certification as a Trainer for Continuous Quality Improvement - First Class


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