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Finaniceel Manager / Senior controller / CFO

Finaniceel Manager / Senior controller / CFO

Work Experience

(08/2000 –3/2001) Airmunition International B.V.

These start-up company are developers and manufacturers of quality training products for Law Enforcement and Peace keepers. The head-office is located in Hilversum with production and salesorganisations in Switzerland and United States.


- Member of the international management team and supervisor of the finance team.
- Implementation of higher qualified management-reporting structure.
- Prepare internal procedures for IPO.
- Visit both offices in Atlanta and Switzerland and advice and report according to necessary personnel and operational changes (sales- and marketing-strategy) to improve the performance.
- Leading the process to improve the current Business Planning Cycle and manage the realisation of the Business Plan 2001.
- Financial presentations for pre IPO-funding (3 to 5 years)
- Review of current structure of both the Holding and subsidiaries and advise on improvements.
- Define tasks of permanent employee, and help to select and train.

(06/2000 – 07/2000) Telfort

For Telfort my task was to built a new department Planning & Control for the new market-Unit “Business Market”. This Unit was created by splitting 2 other units. Because of this move the focus on the middle-segment of the market should be approved on a short term.
Together with the other new Management-members the attention-fields and priorities had to be set, after which I could start to focus on the managementstructure, -reporting, definitions of the information-needs, building the department and selecting the people needed for this. The intention from the beginning was to have a permanent employee in place after the first implementation. Because of the reason that this person was sooner available then expected, the project came to an end after 2 months.

(03/2000 – 05/2000) Pathé cinemas

A French multinational company, important player in the business of filmproduction, - distribution and exploitation of cinemas. In the Netherlands the company is marktleader with 12 cinemas.

Co-ordination of / and giving advice according to centralising of regio-administration of Pathé cinemas.  Split of tasks and responsibilities and physical movement of different tasks



For Libertel I worked together with the other management-members on the development / building of the new departments Data and Interactive. In these departments the new services and products of Libertel according to the Internet, Datacommunication and E-commerce took place. It was very important to built a flexible, high qualified organisation, due to the fact that the business of Libertel is changing very fast, and the company was staged at the end of a “pioneers-phase”.

* Setting up Business Cases for new services and give priorities
* Developing Management reports based on which quick actions could be taken
* Review / advice according to Partnercontracts
* Co-ordination budgets, forecasts and year planning
* Improve and co-ordinate the communication between internal departments within Libertel (networkcapacity, marketing and sales, holding etc.)
- Judging pilot-projects for copying and marktpotential.



- Making financial reports of US-GAAP/SEC for introducing High Yield Bond on the American market.


International Customer Care Department

- Roll-out and implementation of Customer Care Departments in office in Europe, Mid-America and Mexico (investigate the current situation and make plans how to realise the concept).
- Visit all the offices abroad several times
- Analysing the financial figures and giving short- and long- term advises to improve the performance

At the moment the project started in most of the countries were already support departments of Low Level. To improve the customer Satisfaction the decision was made to do a bigger part of the support internally and to add a lot of other customer care activities to this department.

- Analysing current local situation and internal organisation
- Reporting the recommendations regarding actions to be taken on local and holding level to realise the desired Customer Care departments
- Discussing the reportings with Holding, local and regional management
- Co-ordinating the follow-up of all actions
- Giving advices to improve the price structure, results, contract registration etc.
- Adapting the reporting structure and improving of procedures
- Give presentations on concept and added value of the departments to be implemented
- Negotiating on outsourcing of support.

(Inter)national operating organisation active in the sales of software licences, services (consultancy) and maintenance of companies in the medium and small segment. The main shareholder is Baan Company.


For this company my job was to “reorganise” the Baan Backoffice organisation in a team of 3 persons. The goal of this process was to turn the organisation from a cost-centre into a zero base-budget organisation or a minimum profit centre.

- advice / decide which products/services had to be developed further and which had to be moved from the organisation, or placed somewhere else.
- Restructuring of tasks and responsibilities
- Improvement of internal procedures
- Building a new Management Information system

(11/1996 - 06/1998) MAB THE HAGUE
Project development company which operates national and international (France, UK, Germany). Focused on the development of integrated inner city projects.
Turnover NLG 500 million.

(01/1998 - 06/1998) FINANCIAL MANAGER
For the largest operating company (MAB BV)

- Developing an efficient financial information system
- Setting up an adequate administrative organisation in the foreign offices and coaching the local financial people
-Assessing and reviewing the working methods used during the process of project development
-Developing calculation models for investment proposals and decisions, budgeting, forecasting etc.
-Co-ordinating the automation project CODA/MIS
-Advising on tax and legal issues related to establishing joint ventures
-Preparing tax reports
-Consolidation of quarterly figures, liquidity reports, budgets and MLTP’s
-Preparing annual accounts
-Giving presentations for management and supervisory board
-Within MAB BV co-ordinating the administration
(8 people).

(11/1996 - 01/1998) FINANCIAL CONTROLLER
Holding and operating company NL (MAB BV)

-Restructuring the company in co-operation with the financial director, which should lead to a further independence of the operating companies, to realise a transparent organisation and to improve the management information systems.

(01/1996 - 10/1996) TULIP COMPUTERS, Den Bosch
Manufactures and supplies computers and related products. Company’s head-office in Den Bosch. Totally about 15 offices in Europe and some in Asia


-Financial reporting to the management and supervisory board
-Preparing the annual accounts
-Analysing the financial figures
-Assessing the realisation of the budgets
-Giving advice to improve the MIS
-Treasury and cash management
-Doing the long and short term concern liquidity prognoses
-Involved in fiscal law issues and tax planning for the foreign offices
-Controlling the assurance portfolio
-Controlling the progress and co-ordinating the building of the new factory
-Contact with the management of offices, bank, auditors, tax advisers, insurance company etc...

(06/1991 - 01/1996) COOPERS & LYBRAND


-Preparing, co-ordinating and carrying out the audit of national and international trading, manufacturing and service companies
-Ad-hoc jobs like investigation of the administrative organisations and the internal control, valuation of shares, financial analyses etc.
-Assessing the reliability of financial management information
-Supervising the audit team
-Internal meetings and presentations with partners, external meetings with directors and financial employees and the bank
-Giving internal courses.

(09/1987 - 06/1994) DECHESNE ERNST & WHINNEY
After merger Moret Ernst & Young



1981 - 1987 Athenaeum A, Den Bosch
1987 - 1995 NIVRA

* Communication skills
* Subsidies and Insurance’s
* National and international taxes
* Coopers & Lybrand Audit Approach
* Lotus Graphics
* WordPerfect/Word/Amipro
* Pre-audit
* Business Objects


French (basic)


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