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Interim Manager / Project Manager/ Supply Chain Manager/ Log

Interim Manager / Project Manager/ Supply Chain Manager/ Log

Work Experience

Relevant Project References

Development of Supply Chain Master Plan for an international food company (annual turnover € 1.3 billion)

As part of its new strategy this international food cooperation changed its focus to natural food stuffs and food ingredients. To make this strategy operational the company formulated several projects which went beyond the borders of the business units in order to achieve the best results from synergy and to emphasize the importance of collaboration. One of these projects was to design the next generation supply chain for two business units.

The goals and deliverables of this project were:
• To visualize the current supply chain in terms of operations and cost
o This involved a Quick scan of the current operations (including: location of supply points and warehouses; location of customers; storage and transport conditions; distribution; cost)
• To identify current and future needs of all parties in the supply chain
o Including: location of customers; product assortment; channels of trade; customer expectations on cost and service; volumes.
• To design a supply chain process that leveraged both future demands as well as today’s operations
o Including: the identification of IT architecture and functional specifications that will support the supply chain process.
• The identification of “quick win” projects (low hanging fruit) that will lead to immediate improvement
• To deliver to roadmap for the implementation of the new supply chain process

My role in the project was to provide expert knowledge concerning supply chain concepts and the actual situation of the business, to make thorough data analyses and convert the data into presentable information.

Optimization and cost reduction of the transport between the Pan European warehouses of a top five player in the European bakery market

Due to the merger of five companies to one, the new companies supply chain environment grew to warehouses and production locations in 7 European countries and an annual goods supply of 65.000 tons. Unfortunately, the company also ended up with a large number of carriers for the goods movement.

To reduce costs, optimize the number of good movements and to improve management information a project was started. The goal of the project was:

• To decrease the total costs of the inbound and outbound transport between the warehouses for selected product groups (16.000 tons, ca. € 1 million / year)
• By combining volumes and outsource this to one or a few carriers (one-stop shopping preferred)
• With the same or improved level of service
• Embedded in the organization (daily operation, responsibilities, contract management)

Project activities and results:
• An analysis of the present situation with regard to costs, distribution and product specifications, flow of goods and frequency of movements.
• Presentation of recommendations and scenarios to management team
• Managing the tender process
o Including: draw up standard tender document, analyses of the offers, carrier selection, contract negotiation, draft the contract
• Development and implementation of a cross dock concept
o This includes: the combination of volumes from different warehouses in order to build full truck loads and to increase the ton/km ratio. The carrier combines i.e. the flow of goods from 5 different warehouses on the European continent in Belgium and ships these goods in one truck to the warehouse in UK. The result of this particular situation was a decrease of 40% of transport costs.
• Implementation of Standard Operating Procedures and Standard Reports
• Reduction of 20% of the total distribution costs

As Project Manager my responsibility was a.o. project planning, managing the expectations of the stakeholders, contract negotiation, and to provide expert supply chain knowledge.

Set up and implement blue print for the Intra Company Procurement and Sales Process in SAP R/3

The company has different subsidiaries in Europe and operates with a wide European supply network. All subsidiaries are connected with SAP R/3, but intra company procurement and sales took place in a manual way, by e.g. fax or telephone. A project was started to improve this situation. The goal of this project was:
• To improve this time consuming process with a high chance to make mistakes and decrease the cost per orders with 20% (total cost € 900.000 /year, savings € 180.000)

Project activities and results:
• A blueprint of the standard intra company procurement process in SAP R/3; the blueprint contained the technical and operational SAP changes as well as the organizational changes,
o Replacement of purchase and sales order by one stock transfer order
o Development of EDI tool to simplify the invoice process
o Automatically transfer of tracking & tracing information
o On-line and real time information with regard to order status
o Set up an Intra Company Department
• Successful pilot project between two subsidiaries
• Detailed roll out plan to implement 18 new links between the subsidiaries

My role was to manage this project till the pilot project was successfully finished and a roll out plan for further implementation was approved on C-level. I acted as an intermediary between users, management and (external) SAP-implementation consultants. The roll out was followed up by the project assistant.

Set up and implement the blue print of the standard logistics procedures in SAP R/3

The company has grown by acquisition in a few years time. SAP R/3 was implemented in all new subsidiaries, however all subsidiaries used a localized SAP environment.

To re-align and improve processes and information, a project was started to create and implement a standard template for the core SAP processes in all relevant subsidiaries.

As the Process Owner it was my responsibility to set up the blue print of the standard logistic processes in SAP SD (Sales and Distribution) and MM (Materials Management) like MRP processing, Sales Order Processing and Delivery and implement these into the daily operations of the different subsidiaries.

Development of a tool to measure Delivery Performance

Project description
Design a SAP R/3 Program, based on the requirements of Marketing & Sales and Operations, to measure delivery speed and delivery reliability to internal and external customers.

• Definition of KPI’s for delivery performance
• A detailed blue print that describes the current and future process including fit-gap analysis, required for the configuration of the SAP R/3 system
• Embed the new program in the organization o.a. using knowledge transfer and benefit presentation

My role as senior project manager in this project was to coach the project leader, to support and convince the management team and to provide content knowledge for this process and knowledge concerning the daily business.

Centralizing sales support activities for a Dutch trading company

The company executed her sales activities at 3 locations in The Netherlands.
To gain market share the company wanted to offer their customers one single point of contact for all the purchases (one stop shopping). Furthermore, cost cutting was required to increase the profitability margin.

The deliverables of this project:
• One customer database
• One sales and delivery process
• Real-time warehouse information
• One company name, one contact address
• Design a SAP R/3 training program for back office and warehouse personnel
• 50% reduction back office personnel

As project manager of this project I was responsible for the project execution of this project including budget and timeline control.


Transfer of warehouse activities of an European food company

The Dutch subsidiary of this company consisted of a Dutch sales organization and a Belgian sales organization. The subsidiary also kept stock for both countries. The management team of the holding decided to move the Belgian sales organization to the Belgian subsidiary. Furthermore a warehouse used by the Dutch Sales Organization had to be closed. Al the related activities and its stock had to be transferred to the location of the Dutch subsidiary.

The deliverables of this project were:
• Extent the warehouse capacity of the Dutch subsidiary with 66% (1000 pallets)
• Transfer outbound logistics from the closed warehouse to the new warehouse and the warehouse of the Belgian subsidiary
• Extent data in SAP R/3 to match the new situation
• Split the stock for the Dutch and Belgian market and physical move it to the Belgian warehouse
• Transfer customer database to Belgian subsidiary
• Reduction of 50% warehouse personnel

As project manager of this project is was responsible for the project execution of this project including budget and timeline control.

Transfer of production facilities from The Netherlands to Spain – restructuring forecast & planning

The Dutch production location of this food company was forced to move to a new location. The production facilities were transferred to the company’s production facility in Spain.

Part of this project was to restructure the forecast & planning methods used between the Dutch sales organization and Spanish production location.

The deliverables of this subproject were:
• Weekly updated forecast based on customer and historical information
• The creation of a Master Production Schedule tool to communicate planning data
• Recalculation of the optimum stock level based on the new situation

I was responsible all activities and actual execution of this project.

Outsourcing of production activities of an European food company

25% of the production volume of this company was outsourced to a Belgian toll producer
To manage this process a toll production agreement was made between the two parties.

As member of the project team I was responsible to provide expert knowledge in the field of operations and supply chain processes and to design and implement a set of procedures for the production and logistics processes.

Work experience

Interim Management / Project Management/ Management Support

Supply Chain Management
Unifine Döhler International

Production & Quality Management
Suiker Unie/ Koninklijke Van Gilse B.V.

Quality Management
Cadbury FAAM B.V,


Certified Production & Inventory Management (CPIM), APICS
Project Management, NCOI
Financial Management for non Financials, de Baak
Talent Ontwikkeling Programma, de Baak
Master Food Science & Technology, Wageningen Agricultural University
MscBA (Bedrijfskunde) Rotterdam School of Management (2005-2007, expected)



In the past 10 years I gained a broad experience in the field of supply chain management. During my work for national and international companies at operational, tactical and strategic level, I acquired thorough skills in project management, management support on C-level and change management.
Within my core competences are: result-driven, pragmatic, problem solving, helicopter view, perceptive and cooperative. I prefer to enter into a partnership with my clients, how small or large an assignment will be, as I am convinced that this will lead to the best results for both on longer term.


Dutch, English orally and in written


project management, change management, management support on C-level


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