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Senior Enterprise Developer

Senior Enterprise Developer

Work Experience

With over 11 years experience in IT, I have experience in the pharmaceutical, petrochemical, retail, health and defence industries. Recently, I have performed a technical team leader role on a number of innovative n-tier web projects. I have excellent interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills.

Career History

May 2000-present (contract) (VB6/SQL7/SQL2000/VB.NET/COM+)

NSIS. Senior Developer/Team Leader. I have fulfilled a technical team leader role on a number of innovative n-tier web projects using the very latest technologies (Visual Studio 6, Windows 2000 Pro, Server, AS and COM+ and SQL 7/2000). All the applications were developed as n-tier, scalable systems using Visual Basic Active-X DLLs in the Business and Data Services Layers and Visual Basic Webclasses and JavaScript in the Presentation Layer. More recently, we have begun to look at the opportunities being offered by the next generation of Visual Studio, Visual Studio.NET. NSIS is now developing n-tier distributed ASP services in a number of markets and sectors, including health services, credit management, logistics and CRM using both Visual Studio 6 and Visual Studio.NET. I am responsible for a team of 10 comprised of analysts, developers and graphics designers.

January 2000-May 2000 (contract) (VB6/Access 97)

Shell UK. Senior Developer. I was responsible for the design and implementation of the conversion, mapping and upload of business critical data for Shell’s Alliance project, a move from a legacy IBM mainframe environment to SAP. Specifically, I developed a generic rule based system in VB6 for the conversion, mapping and upload of legacy data to the SAP system. This generic system can be used to map any data and any set of complex rules and will run in either attended or unattended mode.

October 1999-January 2000 (contract) (VB6/Access 97/2000/MSDE/SQL7)

The Further Education Funding Council. Senior Business Analyst on a project to redevelop the core software used by the Council to allocate £3bn per annum of funding grants. I defined the business requirements and scope and logical design (high-level and detailed-level processes, data flow diagrams and entity life histories) for the redeveloped software. I prototyped screen designs (writing a set of standards for GUI design also), error handling system, online help and wizards, batch scheduling and event logging using Visual Basic Version 6.0 and Access 97/2000. I carried out extensive testing and enhancements to the first cut at the core component of the suite, a Visual Basic 6.0 application.

July 1999-October 1999 (contract) (Access 97/Visual Basic 5)

GlaxoWellcome. I developed a Quality Assurance system for microbiological antibiotics in Access 97, undertaking extensive interviews with users and management to provide detailed requirements and test scripts. A specific requirement, for regulatory reasons, was security and the provision of an audit trail. I used a hidden workspace in the Jet Engine to ensure users were able to change data only through the front-end provided (and not via the Access tables). All user and system activity was recorded in log files.

April 1999-July 1999 (contract) (Access 97 and SQL Server 6.5)

Computacenter. Access Developer at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office on a database development and Y2K data conversion project. I developed a Property database and a Stock Control database in Access 97. The databases were populated with data from a number of posts across the world via dial-up access and telnet (SCO UNIX).

April 1998-April 1999 (contract) (Visual Basic 5/6 and Access 97)

Computer Sciences Corporation. Visual Basic and Access Developer on a project team responsible for the Asset Management of forty sites across a number of accounts across the UK, including British Aerospace, John Menzies and United Distillers. I developed several MIS applications in Visual Basic and Access. The efforts of our project resulted in an extra £5m revenue for CSC in six months.

September 1996-April 1998 (permanent) (Access 2/95/97 and FrontPage 97)

Ministry of Defence. I was responsible for work on the IT aspects of organisational and management issues within the MOD. I developed several MIS databases using MS Access Version 2, 95 and 97 with Visual Basic for Applications. I implemented a MOD-wide Intranet using FrontPage 97.

July 1994-September 1996 (permanent) (UNIX/C/Ingres)

Ministry of Defence. Analyst Programmer on a project team developing a standard MOD-wide Logical Data Model. Technical skills: UNIX SVR4 on ICL DRS 6000 (shell scripting), C, SQL, INGRES and PRINCE. First used Access Version 2.

February 1992-July 1994 (permanent) (UNIX/C/Ingres)

Ministry of Defence. Analyst Programmer on a project team to design a Logical Data Model for use by the Army. I acquired skills in C, analysis and design and database administration (INGRES) on UNIX SVR4.

September 1989-February 1992 (permanent) (Technical Support)

Ministry of Defence. Support Analyst on a help desk giving technical support in a PC and mainframe (ICL 3900) environment.


A Level: Maths, Physics, Economics and General Studies.

O Level: Maths, Additional Maths, Computer Studies, Physics, Economics, Chemistry, English Language, English Literature, Geography, French and General Studies.


Relational Databases

SQL Server 6.5, 7, 2000 (2 years) with TSQL, Jet (DAO, RDO, ADO with Access), MSDE
MS Access (5 years, Versions 2, 95, 97, 2000 on Windows 3.x/95/98/NT)
INGRES 6.4 (4 years)

Programming Languages, Enterprise Development and Web Technologies

Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0 (3.5 years)
Visual Studio.NET Beta 1, Visual Basic.NET, C# and XML (6 months)
COM+ and MSMQ (1 year), COM/DCOM (2 years), Windows API (2 years)
IIS 5.0 (1 year), HTML and JavaScript (1 year)
Visual Basic for Applications (5 years)
C/C++ programming (3 years + training by ICL Peritas), Visual C++ 6.00 (1 year) with MFC
DirectX Programming (1 year)
Visual Interdev 6.0 (6 months), Crystal Reports (1.5 years) Version 4.6
Visual SourceSafe (3 years)

Operating Systems

Windows NT4 and 2000 - including NT administration on NT4 and IIS 5.0 on W2K
UNIX System V Release 4 (4 years+), SCO UNIX Release 5 (3 months+)
MS-DOS (Versions 3.3 through 6)

Methodologies and Tools

UML with Microsoft Visual Modeller (1 year)
SSADM 4 (3 years + training) and PRINCE (2 years + training)
CASE (Oracle Designer 2000, Principia, Systems Engineer)
Visio (3 years+)
MS Office (95, 97 and 2000), Office Developer, MS Project (4 years)


English, basic French and German


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