Flex Manager
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Work Experience

(1999 – present)
Business Consultancy and Advisory services
Key Areas
* Management Overview
* Organisational Effectiveness
* Maximising Marketing and Sales
* Research Projects
* Business Process Improvement
* Operational Changes
* Distribution and Warehousing
* Customer Service
* Internal Communications
* Client and Employee Surveys
* People Development
* Knowledge Management
* Competency Frameworks
* Facilitation and Project Mgt
* Implementing & Managing Change
* Maximising business profitability
* Maximising the Sales Cycle
* Process improvement & B.D.P.’s
* Interim Management Assignments
* Change Management (generic)
* Project Management (generic)
* Training Course design and delivery
* Web-site design and marketing services
Key Results
* Researched business case to facilitate corporate and community partnerships
* Devised / conducted national employee / client satisfaction surveys
* Advised on competency-based recruitment & training framework
* Prepared business plans for new business ventures & expanding businesses
* Managed sales & marketing for local SME’s
* Facilitate/Manage projects and improvement groups
* Developed national TNA & knowledge management framework
* Effected Sales/Marketing strategies, identifying new markets & establishing sales processes
* Delivered change & knowledge management toolkit.
* Various Business, Sales, and Marketing Interim Management assignments.
* Written and conducted various internal management development courses
* Written and conducted various external courses for North West Business Link organisations


Degree level - currently completing MBA


English (fluent)
French (conversational)


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