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(Algemeen) Directeur

(Algemeen) Directeur

Work Experience

Experience history
1996-present: E & C (Independent; Consultancy industrial business improvement and interim management. )
Projects: e.g. Computerizing Paramedical practice. Advising business improvement automotive trade, Logistic IT selection; Project management support Engineering contractor; Investigation production supply's in Turkey for Dutch trade company; Assistance ISO 9002 certification Manufacturing company in Istanbul.
Interim Managing Director (3 years) automotive DAF-Truck Dealer specific scale enlarging, strategic market analyze, CRM, Communication, process improvements, Balanced Score Card, change management with coach approach.

1993-1996 :Pannevis BV at Utrecht (Manufacturing company for solid liquid separation in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries, project-oriented organization ca 130 employees)
Interim: General Technical Manager (Dir. Production)
- managing the disciplines: engineering, I&R, logistics, R&D, manufacturing and maintenance;
- supporting implementation management-information system (Triton);
- care systems;
- commercial responsibility 30 milj. , active acquisition 15 milj.
Process-redesign: development vision improvements conduct of business
result: - implementation integral logistics;
- implementation turn key project approach (client oriented);
- implementation modular engineering /AutoCAD and MIS;
- upgrading engineering-skill, general housekeeping.
1990-1993 : Florigo Industrie BV at Woerden (Manufacturing company for the food industry (80 employees), projects oriented organization)
Interim: Technical (Commercial) Manager (Dir. Production)
Process redesign: analyze market developments
result: - initializing office computerizing and engineering with AutoCAD;
- Standardizing and normalization of product executions;
- introduction ISO 9000 approach;
- manufacturing efficiency improvements.

1989-1990 : A.Hak Nederland BV at Tricht (Construction contractor for large pipe distribution systems (1200 employees)
Contract : General and Commercial Manager A.Hak Services (25 employees)
- commercial responsibility 15 milj.

1982-1989 : Gamma Holding at Helmond; Plant: Texoprint at Boekelo
Manufacturing company in textile-printing (300 employees)
Contract : Manager Techniques and Efficiency, operating as second in command of director of manufacturing (assigned for business redesign and reconditioning plant facilities)
Businesses redesign: evaluation blueprint manufacturing renovation (20 yrs behind)
Result - new product marketing strategy;
- conversion feudal culture into informal and team approach;
- realization new maintenance management;
- ultra modern manufacturing and utility facilities;
- advising in (technical) management letters to the Board of Directors.

1979-1982 : De Man Isolatie BV, Oosterhout (Manufacturing company for insulation material ca 125 employees)
Duty : Technical Director for two manufacturing plants, operating as second in command.
Specific order: (i.e. NIB, Dutch Investment Bank) to complete manufacturing mechanization, cost-calculation system and sale of one plant

1974-1979 : Stone & Webster Engineering, Rijswijk (Engineering contractor for petrochemical and chemical industries (300 employees)
Duty : Project engineer; Several interim management assignments, e.g. food industry, petrochemical industry,Insulation and foam production plants.

Courses : Strategic management and Management assessment
Maintenance and efficiency
Methods in Innovation
Engineering management and Engineering database management
Simultaneously engineering
Safety certificate contractors (VCA)
Coaching and HRM management
Passion : Restoration of British Classic Cars, Horse-riding and Sea-sailing.


1961-1965 : HTS-Chemical Technology
1965-1967 : Military service: 2e Lieutenant Artillery, division Radio and Telephony, screened by BVD
1967-1973 : TH-Twente, Chemical Technology added with economics and marketing
Founder of student riding club and riding school, international trials

1989 : Certificate ionic radiation 5A


Managing Director or Second in Command with commercial and marketing strategic approaches;
Motivator of the Management Team and organization;
Based on internally and external-analyses formulate the business-strategy in mane items and limits and issue a coordinated action program (based on process-approach);
Observer with vision and wide experience who tunes integrally the several departments on main items;
High level of employability;
Management style: mix between modern supervisor and p-articipator-coacher;
Used to supervise > 250 employees;
Commercial responsibility ca 100 milj;
Orientation: international, CC en CD, public authorities;

Specific match points:
* Project management for construction;
* Manufacturing and product-design and development;
* Project-department, most of the time the center of the business, according to the center of excellence principle and the tuning of the organization;
* Based on analyses (IT oriented) introduction and implementation of business-process-efficiency improvements at Service, Engineering (e.g. CAD and value-engineering, modular-engineering, normalization, standardization), Logistic and Manufacturing (process monitoring), Business Balanced Score Card;
* General coach and implementation for cultural changes;
* Based on projectmanagement/MANS implementation of TQM, ISO 9000, new maintenance management;
* MIS comparison E-p-as/Triton/SAPr3/SSA, integral implementation of MIS, integration of AutoCAD with MIS;
* HRM and quality management.


Languages: Dutch, English and German, some French.


Other activities
1988-1990 : Industrie Kring Twente; Member of the board section maintenance management
1993-1996 : FME/GCA; Member of the board section procurement management
1998-2001 : BZW; Member of the section education
1974-present : active in local politics


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