Flex Manager
De top 21218 Flexmanagers van Nederland
21218 professionals


interimmanagement TIP: soortgelijke CVs vinden

manager/director innovation

manager/director innovation

Work Experience

Professional experience:
2006 - Director Rural Development foundation
2000 - Chairman / Senior consultant knowledge networks consultancy organisation (foodresearch, technology, sustainable development, healthcare)
1999 - 2000 Manager Public Transport Terminal development project
1997 Consultant environmental plan airport
1997 - 1999 Coordinator regional ICT project for secondary and higher education
1997 - 1998 Interim manager consortium HighSpeedRail development project
1996 - 1997 Kickstart-manager Business & Science Park, Environmental Technology Valley, TNO
1995 - 1996 Interim-manager marketing & communication SLO, Dutch educational institute
1986 - 1994 Manager Public Relations TAUW Groep (one of the largest engineering companies in the Netherlands)
1985 Coordinator marketing & PR
TAUW Groep, consultancy on environment & infrastructure
1981 - 1985 Policy & company consultant: new business, employment, technology Economic affairs, city-council of Rotterdam
1982 - 1983 Guest lecturer economy, Erasmus University Rotterdam
1981 Project assistant research project on environmental legislation
Twijnstra Gudde, management consultants

Presentations 2003 - 2004
Conferences at: Porto, Bologna, Malta, Manchester, Galati (Romenia), Nantes


Human Geography, University Groningen, Utrecht, Lusaka (Zambia)


Excellent organiser / project manager.
Humour, perseverance, pragmatist, sportsmanlike


English - excellent, French - bien, German - ziemlich gut


Tibet by Bike and fundraising for Project for the Blind
Peru by Bike and fundraising for greenhouses project
Writing and publishing of articles and books on (bike)travelling, art and knowledge networks
Initiator - secretary - treasurer of parents association (10.000 members)
for secondary education
Board member of several not-for-profit organisations


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