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Work Experience

03/2009-07/2010: Consultant on the faisability of the creation of companies dedicated to service in the financial outsourcing, investment & divestment strategies, internal and external growth and certification Internal Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards.

11/2004-10/2008: In charge of the financial management of the former company where I have worked as CFO.

07/2003-10/2004: Affiliate of UK Company, as C.F.O in charge of finance, legal and administrative matters.

1997 to 2003: Worked as financial consultant for large and middle-sized companies:
- Files preparation for the Paris and New-York SEC
- Identification and acquisition of European companies for U.S corporations willing to develop in Europe before being listed on the NYSE
- Audit and companies valuations.
- Cost control optimization, re-organization, re-structuring of middle-sized companies to maximise efficiency and profit.

1994 to 1997: Worked as C.F.O in the distribution area
Negotiation of 20 distribution agreements with European and American corporations that allowed the company develop and benefit from high gross margins. Also worked on potential acquisitions for U.S partners.

1988 to 1994: Company Secretary. Worked as C.F.O. in Chemical Consulting
Set-up and organization of a new French subsidiary for a U.S. parent company. Harmonization of French practices with U.K. affiliates and with U.S. Headquarters. Conducted and directed analytical accounting implementation and standard U.K. G.A.A.P reporting.

1983 to 1988: Worked as cost controller with the subsidiary of a U.S


M.B.A., E.S.C.P. Paris Business School
Master in Human Resources, Paris.
Corporate Law, Paris


Financial management and strategy
Merger and acquisitions
Auditing, Controlling and reporting
Analytical accounting, U.K., US.G.A.A.P.
Group and shareholders’ reporting.




Pro-active, creative and flexible.


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