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General Management / Sales Executive

General Management / Sales Executive

Work Experience

Since 08.2007 Self Employed Consultant, with focus on the Telecommunication, IT and Technology market
Main Customers:
EADS, T-Systems: since 12.2007 ongoing, project- and bid management
Tecon: 07.-10.2007 NGN-NGSSM-consulting for T-Com

05.1995 - 04.2007 Deutsche Telekom AG (Incumbent telecommunication company in Germany, Full Service Provider for B2B and B2C telecommunication services, Turn over 2006 of 61,3 bn €, employees appr. 250.000 in over 50 countries worldwide)

07.2004 - 04.2007 T-Systems International GmbH (100% subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG, IT and TC service provider for Deutsche Telekom business customers worldwide, Turn over 2006 of 10,6 bn €, 55.000 employees in 20 countries worldwide)

Senior Executive Vice President Sales & Solution Design Telecommunications, Utilities, Media
Member of the Management Board Systems Integration
- Responsible for worldwide sales and technical solution design (using state of the art architecture e.g. SOA) of system integration solutions for Telecommunication, Media and Utilities companies including
- go to market strategy / market intelligence
- solution portfolio management
- lead generation and account management
- sales management
- marketing and event management

- Annual OE budget responsibility 1 bn € (project size from 100.000 € up to 100 mio €)
- Annual revenue responsibility 800 mio €
- 160 employees (three direct reporting departments: sales & solution design, business development, business consulting (50 employees) and five indirect reporting specialized sales departments (110 employees) including two departments responsible for NGN / IP-based network solutions)

- Major achievements:
Build up of sales and solution design, business development and business consulting departments.
Stabilization of Deutsche Telekom group internal sales and revenue despite declining IT budgets within the group.

Increase of external and international sales from 100 mio € in 2004 to 210 mio € in 2006.

Exemplary projects:
Maintenance contract T-COM (3years): 100 mio €
BPO network planning T-Mobile (5 years): 35 mio €
debitel future IT landscape: 18 mio €
IKDB (consolidated DTAG customer base): 12 mio €
Phönix Billing T-Mobile, NL: 8 mio €
Internet in Train Deutsche Bahn: 5 mio €
Siebel CRM Magyar Telekom: 4 mio €
Billing Paraguay Telekom: 2 mio €
Inventory Management, Saudi Aramco: 1 mio €

05.2001 - 06.2004 T-Mobile Netherlands B.V., Den Haag (100% subsidiary of T-Mobile International AG, mobile operator in The Netherlands, 2004 figures: turn over 2004 of appr. 1 bn €, 2 mio mobile customers, 1200 employees)
Strategy & Corporate Development Director, Member of the Management Board
- Responsible for strategy, legal®ulatory Affairs, business development, wholesale&interconnect, UMTS and WLAN programme management
- Annual budget responsibility 15 mio €
- Annual revenue responsibility (wholesale) 25 mio €
- 35 employees (4 departments)
- Major achievements:
Transformation from start up to mature organisation.
Foundation of RANN B.V. as rollout vehicle for UMTS network in NL together with Orange NL (capex savings up to 100 mio €).

Development and implementation of “Save for Subsciber” strategic programme (growth strategy). Programme resulted in No. 3 position end 2003 in the Dutch market coming from No. 5 position. Programme completed with a quality initiative.
Strategic partnership with Microsoft NL.
Acquisition of ViaWia B.V. (WLAN operator in NL) and build up
of own hotspots resulted in market leadership in Q1 2004. in addition

since 07.2002 Cetel B.V., Amsterdam (100% subsidiary Deutsche Telekom AG,
Cetel B.V. acting as a SPV for Deutsche Telekom AG, i.e. transfer of Deutsche Telekom shares in UMC, Ukraine to MTS, Russia in 11.2002)
Managing Director

03.2000 – 04.2001 T-Mobile International AG, Bonn (100% subsidiary of Deutsche
Telekom AG, mobile branch of Deutsche Telekom Group, 2001 figures:
operations in 9 countries, turn over of 14,6 bn €, 53 mio mobile customers, 27.000 employees)
Executive Director International Joint Ventures, reporting to the CEO
- Responsible for the TMO UMTS applications in the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway Project team staffing, budgeting, monitoring, reporting.
Regulatory and legal assessment with respect to UMTS licence applications, compliance responsibility.
Partner selection and JV company foundation for licence application in Sweden and Norway.

Responsible for the acquisition of 50% of the shares in Ben Nederland B.V. (T-Mobile Netherlands, after acquisition of the remaining shares in 2002) after successful UMTS licence auctioning. Transaction value 1.3 bn €.

UMTS application in Sweden (beauty contest) lost against Telia Tele2, Europolitan and HI3G. Major reason:
Pop and area coverage, compliant with tender, competition did bid higher values.

UMTS application in Norway (beauty contest) not submitted, because of non profitable business case.

Managing Director Smaragd Telekommunikationsdienste GmbH (05.00–05.03) SPV for the acquisition of the shares in Ben B.V. CEO Mobility4Sweden AB (04.00–03.03) JV company of TMO, ABB Sweden and Utfors Sweden for the licence application in Sweden and Norway
04.1995 - 04.2001 T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH (DeTeMobil GmbH), Bonn (100% subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG, mobile operator of Deutsche
Telekom group in Germany, 2001 figures:
turn over of 7.1 bn €, 23.1 Mio mobile customers, 7200 employees)
Executive Director Portfolio Management (10.1998 – 04.01), reporting to the Managing Director
- P&L responsibility for all non GSM Business units in DeTeMobil, aiming at the cash optimised phasing out of these units
- Initial annual budget responsibility 100 mio €
- Initial annual revenue responsibility 300mio €
- Initial employees 120 (without sales and customer care)
- Major achievements:
Sale of the trunk radio business and the paging business.
Transfer of the satellite business to DeTeSat.
Migration of the analog C-Tel customers to GSM and switch off of the C-Tel network.
Migration of Modacom (special mobile data platform) customer base to GPRS.
Liquidation of Modacom Swiss AG.

Managing Director Qbic GmbH (01.99 – 03.00) SPV for sale of the paging activities to E*message GmbH, Berlin
Senior Director Strategy & Corporate Development (04.95 –
09.98), reporting to the Managing Director
- Responsible for strategy, regulatory affairs, innovation management
- Annual budget responsibility 5 mio €
- 18 employees (3 departments)
- Major achievements:
Implementation of a consistent strategic and financial annual planning cycle within the different business divisions of T-Mobile.
National and international strategy development and steering of the implementation programme including annual renewal.
Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
Implementation of an innovation management according to the 3M methodology.
Negotiation of the national roaming contract with competitor Viag Intercom (O2).
Development of the GSM only strategy (leading to the portfolio management programme)

08.1987 - 03.1995 Deutsche Aerospace AG Headquarters, Ottobrunn (94% subsidiary of Daimler Benz AG, 6% City of Hamburg, aerospace and defence branch of Daimler Benz AG,1995 figures: turn over of 3.6 bn €, 14.000 employees)

08.1993 - 03.1995 Deutsche Aerospace AG (DASA), Ottobrunn
Vice President Business Development Japan/Asia Pacific for
Space and Defence, reporting to the head of staff of the board
member for Space and Defense Systems
- Coordination of all DASA space and defence activities over all product divisions for the area Asia Pacific with a major focus on Japan
- Major achievements:
Development of a consistent market entry strategy and consolidated sales planning.
Establishement of international cooperation between Dasa, Japanese authorities and industries and CIS for the Express Space project.
Coordination of the management exchange programme between Dasa and Mitsubishi.

03.1987 - 07.1993 Dornier GmbH, Friedrichshafen (in 1990 purchased by Daimler Benz
AG, being a subsidiary of Deutsche Aerospace AG. Defence and aerospace business. 1993 figures: turn over of 3.6 bn €, 14.000 employees)
Sales and Marketing Manager of the devision Microgravity and Space Technologies Europe/USA/Japan (04.92 – 07.93), reporting to the Executive Vice President Sales
- Responsible for marketing and sales in Europe, USA and Japan (annual 50 Mio €)
- Development of marketing and sales strategies, annual planning process, midterm planning
- Customer relationship management
- Major achievements:
Increase of sales in USA and Japan from 5 to 12 mio €
Establishing JV between Space Systems Loral and DASA concerning microgravity activities.

Project Manager for projects related to Spacelab and Schuttle Mission D-2 (10.88 - 03.92), reporting to the Vice President Microgravity
- Responsible for the in time and budget delivery of the flight hardware for 9 experiments for the Spacelab D-2 mission
- Coordination of all tasks of the internal project teams and the relevant subcontractors in Germany, France, Austria, US (total team of 15 people)
- Representation of the projects towards the international customers (ESA, Intospace, DLR)
- Project volume 10 mio €
- Major achievements:
Successful implementation of all proposed scientific experiments into proofed flight hardware.
Delivery in time, budget and quality.

System Engineer (03.87 – 09.88), reporting to the Vice President Microgravity
- Responsible for the ESA and INTOSPACE feasibility studies for Spacelab D-2 experiments (project volume1 Mio €)


10/1979 - 02/1987 Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany
Studies of Physics

02.1987: Certified as Dr. rer. nat. Magna Cum Laude

01.1985: Diploma in Physics, Grade 1.0

09/1970 - 07/1979 Staatliches Illtal-Gymnasium , Illingen, Germany

07.1979: Abitur, Grade 1.7


- general management
- strategy and business development,
- building teams and leading/motivating coworkers,
- structure and reorganisation of enterprises,
- M&A activities,
- sales management and control,
- programme- and project management


Germa (nativ)
English (negotiation level)
French (good)


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