Flex Manager
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Expert Change / Project Mgt - Cerfidied Coach

Expert Change / Project Mgt - Cerfidied Coach

Work Experience

Strong in setting up a market oriented and integrated communication approach from scratch, as done at HDP & Bekaert (Industrial Coatings, Wire). Transforming the communication processes from ad-hoc to planned and upgrade the quality of the tools, focusing on the right ones and introducing new state-of-the art tools.

Project management in various fields as second nature: event management, website, CSS, ...

Competency coaching & communication as vital elements of the change management toolkit to assist the organization through transitions.


2012 Ithaka - NLP Practioner
Coaching Square - ROOT
2011 Insead - AIMS
Bekaert – Leadership training
2010 Vlerick - Brand Community
2009 Vlerick - BTB Marketing Roundtable
2008 Duomedia PR
2007 Kluwer copywriting
2003 Starc – Sales competencies
2002 Instima Advanced Marketing Programme
2001 TIAS Business School - Bekaert Industrial Marketing Management Program


- Leading others
- Practical thinking
- Results orientation
- Understanding attitude


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