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algemeen / general management

algemeen / general management

Work Experience

2010 - today: Own voice over IP (Voip) telecoms company offering advice and setup to small and medium businesses.

2010 - Interim Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Ultraspeed UK Ltd, London.

2008 - 2009: Built case and negotiated buy out of part of THUS/Cable&Wireless. All approved but a last minute policy change prevented sale.

2007-2008: Head of Product Futures (THUS/Cable & Wireless).

2006-2007: General Manager Legend Internet (a THUS plc acquisition)

1999-2006: General Manager Demon Internet - Netherlands branch (THUS plc)

1997-1999: Service Manager Demon Internet - Netherlands branch (Demon Internet Ltd (later THUS plc))

1994-1997: Assistant Director International Education (University of Westminster, London)

1992-1994: International Officer (South Bank University, London)

1991-1992: International Assistant (South Bank University, London)

1989-1991: Production assistant and part-time journalism, BBC Radio Humberside & Viking Radio (Hull, UK)

1990-1991: Stage/Internship: International Assistant (ICIR/Bureau Buitenland) Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

1989 - Summer - Mentor & Counseller at Camp Manitou, McKellar, Ontario, Canada


Own VOIP business (name withheld)
Offering advice, consultancy and recommendations for Voice over IP telephony solutions for small businesses and startups. Interim Management is also offered including as COO to Ultraspeed - a high-end cloud hosting provider in London.

::Legend/Thus/Cable & Wireless::

THUS had just acquired Legend Communications and following the sale of Demon in the Netherlands, this work focussed around the integration of Legend into the rest of THUS plc while ensuring the day-to-day running and continuation of the business. On completion of this, I headed up 'Product Futures' looking at the potential of developing new products based not just on technology but also social usage patterns and different attitudes towards the Internet and techologies depending on the user's age and background.

:: Demon Internet Netherlands ::
I joined Demon in start-up mode with just 17 employees and a few hundred customers. Following the sale of Demon to ScottishTelecom (later THUS plc), my role as General Manager saw us grow the business to some 80,000 customers. The business was sold to KPN where it was groupded with XS4all in 2006, for EUR 69 million.

As well as offering the best dialup of the time, Demon also offered high quality, award-winning ADSL and SDSL service as well as an array of hosting and colocation products. Telephony was also offered in 2006 just ahead of the sale to KPN.

:: International Education ::
My experience at South Bank and Westminster had been an automatic progression from my student days and saw me responsible for recruiting international fee-paying students to the University. Organised through the British Council, highly successful education fairs and recruitment drives (through relationships etc) were attended mostly in Asia including Hong Kong, Malaysia, China (PRC), Taiwan (ROC), Korea, Singapore, Thailand and Pakistan. Work not only involved attending and marketing courses but also interviewing and offering places directly onto academic courses, on behalf of the programme directors who generally remained in the UK. Getting information back from Asia in the early 90s was not easy and this led me to investigate the possibility of putting things online (there had to be an easier way than a 100-page fax) and thus my interest in the Internet and telephony had sparked.

:: Internship/Part time work ::
As a student I volunteered at the student radio station which led me to paid work at the local BBC and independent stations. This often included covering news stories as well as programme production.

My year in Rotterdam saw me work part-time at the Erasmus University assisting outgoing Dutch students to decide on their semester or year abroad. Liaison between incoming visiting students and academic staff also formed some of my responsibilities.

During the Summer of 1989, I worked on a summer camp in Canada as a 'Radio Mentor'. The camp had its own radio station broadcasting to campers and the surrounding locality, radio mentors were responsible for keeping the station's programming going and training the campers (aged 8-16) some basic broadcast skills.


2011: Social Hygiene diploma

1987-1991: Modern Dutch Studies - University of Hull
UK Honours degree (Upper Second (2:1)). A four year programme looking at the language, culture, life and history of the Benelux. The programme included a 4 week course in Hasselt, Belgium in 1988 and a year in Rotterdam between 1989-1990.

1981-1987: Bedlingtonshire High School


General Management, people motivation, getting things done and a no-nonsense approach. International experience also helps greatly with cultural sensitivities. Explaining/discussing technical issues with both technical and non-technical people on or close to their own level. Dealing with the 'polder model' and explaining it to companies (incl. internationals) who are unfamiliar with its workings.


English (native);
Dutch (near fluent);
German (good passive knowledge);
French (reasonable, needs refreshing)


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