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interim management Polen

interim management Polen

Work Experience

kort :
CEO/GM voor Massive (verlichting) 8 jaar - Polen en Tsjechië
CEO/GM voor Scala Plastics Poland (kunststof bouwmateriaal)
export manager Scala Plastics NV
interim opdrachten in Polen (opzetten handel Belgische bieren; veren-fabriek -> crisis management opdracht op Pools-Tsjechische grens; kachelfabriek opzetten en leiden in Polen, ...)

uitgebreid : (uit Engelse CV)
Working experience
1988-1990 CERA Bank (now KBC), as the Manager of a local branch
in Brussels (Schaerbeek)

1990-1991 ELAS (consultancy) as the General Manager of the Polish office (active in both real estate and in agricultural projects)

1991-1993 Inreco (trading) as the G.M. of the Polish office
Our company was importing into Poland (and into the Czech rep.) very different product lines, ranging from Samsonite suitcases, deep frying pans, bathroom scales and animal feed additives to exclusive cloths for tailors, grinding mills and pvc building materials. (both extensive buying and selling experience)
I created a joint venture company “Scala Plastics Company” between the owner of Inreco, and the owner of
Scala Plastics NV (Belgium)

1993-2001 Massive
Massive Polska (Sales Organization) as G.M./CEO – personally taking care of the buying part
Massive Production Poland (Production) as G.M./CEO (until 1997)
Massive Svitidla (Sales Organization) in Czech Rep. as G.M./CEO (until 1997)
Massive Woodworks (smaller production unit for the production of wooden parts, used in our production units) as CEO for 2 years

05.2001-31.03.2004 Scala Plastics
Scala Plastics NV as Export Manager – Europe, except for France, Ireland and Holland; stress on Russia and Baltic States (sales of own products; and of products from third parties – responsible for sourcing/buying)
Scala Plastics Poland as G.M./CEO

01.04.2004 self-employed – company “ bvba”
This company is mainly active in the creation of daughter
companies for Belgian/Dutch/French companies in Poland. We handle interim/crisis management assignments in different industries.


Licentiaat Slavistiek - KU Leuven (België)


algemene leiding


pools, engels, frans, nederlands perfect;
duits goed; russisch vooral passief


zeer direct, kordaat, konsekwent, creatief, haalt het beste uit de medewerkers, target-driven, communicatief


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