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producer photography/print and events

producer photography/print and events

Work Experience

Over 10 years of experience in marketing communications. Worked for the following companies: Nike EMEA, Strawberryfrog, Wieden + Kennedy, TBWA/Campaign Company, Saatchi & Saatchi, BBDO, DDB, Leo Burnett, DMB&B (D'Arcy), Grey, B.A.T. and JWT.

Clients/projects freelance and permanent positions:
Consultancy in viral and buzz marketing for several (international and local) clients.

IKEA Netherlands - advertising campaign, events and guerilla activities for opening Breda store.
MTV Europe - production of TV-commercial.
Strawberryfrog - development of website.
Mitsubishi Netherlands and Europe - introduction of Space Star, TV and print production.
Internaxx (online stockbroker in Luxembourg) WW - TV and worldwide DM campaign.
CGEY UK, - Guerilla campaign 'Defy the Economy' in Greater London.
Vodafone Europe - sponsorship with Ferrari, TV and print production.
B.A.T. Switzerland - ambassadors campaign for Vogue cigarettes.
TBWA - development of website
Apple EMEA - introduction of iMac and G3, TV, print and billboards.
Nokia Benelux - writing communications plan for club Nokia.
Sony BPE Europe - print campaign videoconferencing and beamers.
Cadbury Benelux and Scandinavia - Basset's print campaign and TV campaign for Carambar
Canon Europa - SP and print for several camera's.
NS (Dutch Railways) - TV, print, billboards, DM, SP campaigns
ING Bank Netherlands - Several TV and print campaigns
ETOS drugstores - Special promotions, including POS instore.
Reebok - several print and TV campaigns

Expertise: marketing communications strategy (online and offline), advertising, DM, events, interactive, guerilla marketing, PR and SP.

For more information please contact me.


Fashion academy (marketing and design)
Marketing communication A and B
Nima A
Interior architecture


Senior producer with experience in big projects cross border.
Events - from concept to production
Photography and print - concpet to production


Dutch and English fluent. Reasonable understanding of German.


Member of the VBMA. Part of a broad International network of designers, art directors, copywriters, strategists/planners (off and online), webbuilders, project managers, etc.
I can take on a full project from beginning to end.


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