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Intirim/Project/Change Manager

Intirim/Project/Change Manager

Work Experience

April 2004 - present

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
January 2004 – March 2004 Intirim Finance Manager
Manage the Finance Department on a day to day basis
Implemented changes in systems, procedures and booking processess sothat results could be monitored on a daily basis, reliable Management/Statistical Information was produced
Set up tools in systems enabling automatic generation of management- and Head Office reports

ABN AMRO Bank N.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands
January 2002 – July 2003 Project Manager
Investigated whether the accounts, used by the bank to record transactions between legal foreign/domestic AAB entities, were linked to the correct Strategic Business Unit, and where relevant made the necessary corrections.
Wrote a procedure as to how to maintain these accounts.

ABN AMRO Bank Maroc S.A., Casablanca, Morocco
January 1998 – December 1998 Local Implementation Manager
Managed on controlled a project that resulted in the replacement of a batch oriented system with an on line real time system.
Organized and participated in training sessions for approx 350 staff
Implemented new procedures and forms
Member of Steering Committee

Janaury 1999 – December 1999 Operations Manager/Head GTS
In January 1999 promoted to Operations Manager and Country Head of Global Transaction Services, responsible for foreign and domestic payments, Documentary Credits, Treasury Back Office, Custody, Swift, Electronic Banking, Cash Management
Implemented the GTS Organization including a sales force
Member of the Management Team, Audit Committee
Implemented organizational changes in the Back Office and 20 branches, eliminating manual processes and centralizing branch activities in order to improve efficiency
Responsible for the GTS budget/targets

January 2000 – December 2001 Chief Operating Officer
Made responsible for ICT and O&I as well, and became member of the Steering Committee Automation
Directly responsible for 85 staff at Head Office Casablanca, and indirectly for 100 in 20 branches accross the country

ABN AMRO Bank (Moscow) Ltd, Moscow , Russia
January 1995 – December 1997 Chief Administration Officer
Responsible for Operations, IT, Accounting and Reporting, and General Services, memeber of the Management Team, Audit Committee, and Asset and Liability Committee
Made the necessary preparations and managed and controlled a project that resulted in the move to new premises
Introduced Electronic Banking and Cash Management Services with Corporate clients
Co-ordinated and supervised the budget process, ie financial targets, balance sheet and P&L
Extensive contacts with the Central Bank, external Auditors and local suppliers
Set up a custody unit for FI\'s.

ABN AMRO Bank NV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
January 1983 – January 1998 Information Manager

ISAP (Internation Standard Application Platform)
Participated in the User Acceptance Test of ISAP in Hong Kong during six weeks
Participated in the implementation of this system in Greece (pilot branch)
Set up user specifications in ISAP for Head Office Reporitng, tested and impleted this
Made and implemented proposals to standardize ISAP

Reviewed and where necessary implemented changes in the organization and procedures of the back office of our branch in Luxemburgback office during 3 months

Investigated and rectified the differences resulting from the conversion from one system to another during 3 months in our branch in Luxemburg.

Set up and managed a regional support unit of 5 staff in Singapore during one year
Defined, tested and implemented a computerized system for our branch in Colombo, Sri Lanka, to replace their manual system

Participated in the set up of a Securities Unit being active in the primary- and secondary market
Responsible for hiring back office staff and training them
Defining back office procedure

ABN AMRO Bank N.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands
September 1966 – December 1987 Foreign Securities Department

Particpated in the merger of two departments
Participated in the preparations for moving the department to Breda
Participated in training/coaching newly hired staff for Breda during 1 year
Promoted to Head Custody Unit, responsible for 25 staff divided over 3 units
Solved longoutstanding differences with a large custodian in New York during 3 weeks


June 1966 HBS A Westfries Lyceum, Hoorn (Noord Holland)

Management Course de Baak
Management Course University Nijenrode


English Fluent
French Good
German Reasonable
Russian Basic


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