Flex Manager
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Production Manager

Production Manager

Work Experience

25 years in the electrical rail industry, HT tester, manufacturing engineer, Commisioning engineer, Project manager, production manager. worked world wide in technology transfer including Chosing joint venture partner, Identifying investment required, Creating Training package at host and donor sites. Design for quality and manufacture. material logistics. creating Project plans. delivering quality product on time within budget. Managing and leading multiskilled teams. chairing daily & weekly review meetings. Presentations to the Board of Directors. Responsible for the Health and safety of 150 staff and welfare issues. Creating shift working Rosters
Worked for Alstom transport for 24 years working in UK, USA, Poland, Brazil, France, China, India, Greece, Portugal


City & guilds in Electrical plant and utilisation, Electronic principles, Quality auditors cert lloyds.
Automatic circuit analyser. FMEA, NEBOSH merit.


Personell management skills, team building, Organisational skills. Customer interfacing skills.


English, French, Learning Dutch


For personal reasons I would like to live and work in NL. I have already spent 18 months working there, in 2001.
I have a detailed resume available on request


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