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interim CFO / FD / financial consultant

interim CFO / FD / financial consultant

Werkervaring interimmanager

sinds begin 2004 bij diverse beursgenoteerde bedrijven als interim financieel directeur of consultant

Bedrijven zoals: Philips, Vestas, Heineken en UTC.

Opdrachten voornamelijk op directieniveau waarbij er sprake was van een turnaround, een financiele crisis of een gebrek aan inzicht

Summary Profile

Senior Financial Executive – International Markets – Blue Chip - Industrial & FMCG Environment

Highly motivated, proactive financial executive with a proven track record in leading a company’s financial direction to improve profitability and growth.
Over 15 years of experience in financial and general management with international Blue Chip FMCG and Industrial companies like Philips, UTC and Heineken
Positions with responsibility for strategy implementation, strategic sales and marketing management issues, major restructuring and turnarounds, post-acquisition integration and financial risk management
Dare to take tough but fair measures if necessary, focuses on sustainable results
Conceptual thinker, analytical strong, builder
Strong business sense
Result oriented
Knows how to delegate
Stable personality, able to work under pressure and stress
Fluent in Dutch and English
Master of Business Administration (MBA) at Twente School of Management (TSoM) and Bachelor degree in Engineering
Married and lives with wife and daughter
Personal interest and activities are gliding, cycling and tennis

Interim Management & Consultancy 2004 - Present

Started in October 2004 an interim management and consultancy company
Focussing on finance and general management assignments within industrial companies


Ajax Brandbeveiliging BV – a UTC Company; Amsterdam, May 2005 – April 2006
Interim Finance Director
Integration of the Finance function with the new parent company United Technology Corporation (UTC – listed at the NYSE). SOX compliant in 6 months. Restructure Finance department.

Hoge Agrarische School (HAS) Den Bosch; Den Bosch, April 2006
Review and advice on efficiency opportunities of Finance organisation HAS

Heineken Marketing; Zoeterwoude, April 2005 – Mei 2005
Interim Assignment Heineken Marketing Business Plan – New Product Introduction

Heineken Beer Systems; Amsterdam, October 2004 – March 2005
Interim assignment on improvement of profitability of Heineken Beer Systems (BeerTender©)

Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Randers, Denemarken, October 2004 – present
Business Management Wagendorp cv, a joint venture of NUON, Vestas Wind Systems A/S and private investors.

Employment History 1991-2004

NEG Micon Holland BV: 2000 – 2004

Director Finance NEG Micon Holland bv; Rhenen, July 2000 – Sept 2004
Deputy managing director due to part-time absence Danish managing director
Responsible for Finance, HRM, IT and Legal and Internal Services

Deputy Board Member Bouwcombinatie Egmond, Nov. 2003 – Sept 2004
VOF Bouwcombinatie Egmond is supplier of 100 MW Offshore wind farm installed by SHELL-NUON in the North Sea.

Koninklijke Sain-Roch Veromco NV: 1999 - 2000

Financial Manager Kon. Saint-Roch Veromco - Saint-Gobain, July 1999 - July 2000
Responsible for financial management of 5 glass manufacturing companies and 6 sales offices

Philips Electronics NV: 1991 – 1999

Controller Business Line DVD ROM, Philips Optical Storage, Apr. 1998 - July 1999
Responsible for Financial Management of the Business Line DVD ROM

Ad interim Business Unit Controller Philips Components, Feb. 1998 - July 1998
Responsible for divestment of Philips Component Factory Dordrecht.

Controller BU Hard Disk Drive Motors, Philips Comp., Nov. 1994 - Mar. 1998
Responsible for Financial Management of the Business Unit HDD Motors

Project leader “OD-100” Philips Components, July 1993 - Nov. 1994
Managing a pilot project from development release to manufacturing release of a optical disc sub-assembly. Including transfer of manufacturing facilities to Philips Ovar, Portugal

Industrial Engineer BU Wire Wound Compo¬nents, Philips, Nov.1991 - Nov. 1994
Improving efficiency of high volume electronic components manufacturing
Cost optimising of electronic components in development phase

Shortlist Highlights of Achievements

Set up and management of a finance organisations for new business units from scratch
Turn around of a loss making wind turbine company into a profit generating organisation
Create and implement sustainable business control tools for a famous beer company
Solve a serious financial crisis with a well known Dutch fire security company

Key Areas of Professional Experience

Member of Board of Directors for various companies
MT member (>15 years) and managerial experience with departments of over 20 persons
 Responsible for Commercial Projects (wind turbines)
 Full responsibility reduction of workforce and negotiations with social partners
 Responsible and managing Finance, Legal, IT and Human Resources
 Managing contacts with banks, fiscal authorities, auditors and insurance companies
 Creating and tracking financial business plans
 Initiate improvement actions with respect to business performance
 Provided business/commercial and financial support during divestment phase of companies
 Creating and presenting investment proposals to financers and venture capital companies as part of planned IPO or divestment
 Financial analysis and management accounting activities for several project and investment decisions
 Organise cost engineering and industrial engineering activities for production
 Initiate cost reduction plans in co-operation with development and parts suppliers
 Contributing in contractual discussions/negotiations with potential buyers/partners
 Contributing in patent and legal discussions as a part of the partner discussions and business
 Dutch-GAAP, US-GAAP, Sarbanes-Oxley, IFRS

Opleiding interimmanager

MBA Twente School of Management (TSoM)
Diverse vakinhoudelijke cursussen zoals IFRS,
Door middel van relevante werkervaring

Educational Degrees

Master degree Business Administration (MBA), TSoM, University of Twente, NL, 1991
Bachelor degree Aeronautical Engineering (BAeE), School of Technology, Haarlem, NL, 1988
VWO (Dutch, English, math 1 & 2, physics, economy 2, geography) , Leek, NL, 1984
Training and Workshops

Training ‘International Financing Reporting Standards (IFRS)’, KPMG, 2004
Training ‘Excel for Financials’, Alex van Groningen, Amsterdam, 2002
Training ‘Value Based Leadership’ NEG Micon A/S, Denmark, 2001
Training/workshop ‘Risk management’ ACHMEA Centraal Beheer, 2001
Training ‘Philips Accounting Principles’, 1997
Training ‘Decision analysis’, KPMG training, 1996
Training ‘Project management ', Management Training Philips, 1993
Workshop 'Business Performance Accounting', Lighthouse Business Engineering, 1992
Workshop "Effective negotiating', Mastenbroek Holland Consulting Group, 1990

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

financial turnaround
post acquisition phase met integratie in moederconcern

Talenkennis interimmanager

Nederlands als moedertaal
Engels als tweede taal (vloeiend)


Computer Skills and Knowledge

Excellent computer skills. Experience with computer software with various Microsoft applications (Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint), Dbase, Lotus Approach, Internet, E-mail. Also experience with SAP, Exact, MFG-PRO, JD-Edwards (OneWorld)


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