Flex Manager
De top 21218 Flexmanagers van Nederland
21218 professionals


interimmanagement TIP: soortgelijke CVs vinden

General Manager

General Manager

Work Experience

Operational manager of an European distribution center of a Belgium Home Entertainment Retail company. Responsible for the strategy, optimizations and the operations of a distribution center.
OffShore program Manager. Responsible for the offshore strategy for application development, the transfer processes, the ramp up of the offshore location for application maintenance functions as for application innovation function. Offshore contract negociations and follow up, Offshore auditing. New Business development in Moldova, Roemenie, Uruguay
Re-allocation of manufacturig sites from EU to APAC.
Managing the merge of 2 companies
PLM Program Manager. Optimization of the Product Creation processes in the design centers for a world wide consumer electronics company. After deployment, 3000 users were using the system to enable to daily operations for document mngt, product configuration mngt, workflow mngt.


Civil Engineer (Ir) at the RUG and Technical Engineer (Ing) at HTI Ostend.
General management and communication skills at Vlerick school of management.
Prince 2 project methodoloy.


Mobilizing the collective competences,
Enable the creativity and entrepreneurial flair of multicultural teams,
Creating an environment of trust and transparancy,




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