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Interim Manager Internal & External Communications

Interim Manager Internal & External Communications

Work Experience

* EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS: strategy & planning - Press & Media relations - Events Management - On-line & digital Communications
* INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS & CHANGE: Employee engagement & buy-in - Safety Programmes - Events, Family Days, Teambuilding
* CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS: Crisis simulations & preparedness - scenarios/messasges/templates/Q&A
* REORGANISATIONS : Preparing announcement - Q&A - Message development - storyline - media training - press release
ENVIRONMENT, CSR & SUSTAINABILITY : sustainable Development reports - Permitting procdures & stakeholder communications - issues management - NGO partnerships - Shared value principle

Belgium¡¦s Electricity Transmission System Operator, 1900 staff, Total revenue 2012: 1,3 Bio EUR

INTERIM MANAGER Internal & External Communications¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡K¡KOct 2013
Interim Management Assignment
Main responsibilities & projects ¡V Internal Communications
Smart Ways of Working : Steer campaign & actions (incl Yammer) on new collaborative working culture
Launching of Sharepoint Enterprise software: Design communication plan to achieve employee buy-in
Safety : Setting up new campaign to further improve safety behaviours
Elia Trophy 2014: Manage large scale Team building Event for 160 pax
Mangez bien, vivez sain/ Eet goed, leef goed: corporate messaging focused on healthy lifestile
No e-mail day 2015: raising awareness & preparation of campaign
Main responsibilities & projects ¡V External Communications
Stakeholders¡¦ Day: Event project management, 300 pax, supervise content & process flows
Set up, draft and formalize new sponsoring policy
Revamp and review thoroughly content of Electric Magnetic Fields Brochure
Advise Management Team on stakeholder projects related to investments, publications and events

HeidelbergCement Benelux
Cement Manufacturer, part of HeidelbergCement Group,2200 staff, turnover 2012: 700 Mio EUR

Heading team of 3. Reporting to Benelux Management Team in international environment

Main responsibilities - External Communications
ľ Manage all on-line (websites, digital newsletters), off-line (environmental reports, leaflets, brochures) and corporate events. Focus on storytelling & successes and social media strategy.
ƒæ Develop Environmental & Corporate Social Responsibility strategy: messaging with clear focus on stakeholder engagement & dialogue, reporting KPI¡¦s & performances, Plant Brochures & leaflets

Main achievements
„Ï Press & media relations : act as spokeswoman - media training - policy with network of decentralised spokesmen & audience related key messaging ¡V press events, releases, presentations
„Ï Crisis communications : set up procedures, issues related messaging, questions & answers
„Ï Set up & roll-out Quarry Life Award & Biodiversity campaign (2011 ¡V 2013): NGO partnerships (newsletters, presentations, leaflets, workshops, press & media
„Ï Sustainable Development Reports (Dual country ¡V Belgium and The Netherlands) 2007 & 2011 Print + Web based content

Main responsibilities ¡V Internal Communications
ľ Manage all on-line (Intranet, internal announcements) and off-line communications channels (employee Magazines, blue-collar newsletters) by setting up content plans
ľ Manage all meetings and executive presentations towards various internal stakeholders (senior managers, white collars, union delegates & blue collars)
Main achievements:
„Ï Restructuring and change communications plan (2005 - 2013)
„Ï Internal ¡§We Give Answers¡¨ campaign & roll-out to federate all business lines to common mindset (2007)
„Ï New Strategic Plan (2011)
„Ï Safety programme (2012)

CBR /HeidelbergCement Group
Building Materials sector
Main achievements:
„Ï Revamping and repositioning of several in-house magazines into 1 leading group publication
„Ï Start and implement new on-line communication channels (Intranet)

VACATURE - previously TALENT
Weekly HR supplement in L¡¦Echo, La Libre Belgique, Trends/Tendances, Le Vif/L¡¦Express

Main achievements
„Ï Position of new job supplement within HR arena through dedicated editorial content.
„Ï Supervise team of free-lance journalists, copy writers and cartoonists


* Master in Translation : English -spanish
* Leadership Development (K. Blanchrd)
* Senior Management development Program (INSEAD)


Analytical skills - Project Management - Flexibility - Networking - Coalition Building - Teamplayer - multilingual


French: mother tongue
Dutch 2nd mother tongue
English: excellent
Spanish: fluent
German: basic


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