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General Manager/Project Manager Rare Disease

General Manager/Project Manager Rare Disease

Work Experience

2010/05 – 2011/08 Actelion GmbH, Project Manager Rare Diseases - Interim Manager

• Market Access for Rare Disease Management and NPC-Treatment

2007/05 – 2010/04 Merck Austria GmbH, BU-Manager Biotech

• Sales, Marketing, Lobbying und Market Access
• Sales EUR 23 mio, 14 reports
• Over plan performance in 2007,2008,2009
• Change Management
• Launch of Orphan Drug
2006/11 – 2007/04 Serono Austria GmbH, Country Manager Austria

• Sales, Marketing, Lobbying und Market Access
• Sales EUR 18 mio, 21 reports
• Terminated by the merge with Merck KGaA
2003/10 – 2006/11
Serono International Business Organisation, Director Finance and Governmental Affairs, Austria and CEE

• Finance and Governmental Affairs for Poland, Czech Republik, Slowakia, Hungary Slovenia, Baltic Countries und Austria
• Sales EUR 60 mio, 5 Reports
• Focus: Audit, Compliance, EU-enlargement to the EU-25, Distribution-Contracts, Tender Business in Hungary,
• Terminated through the promotion to Country Manager Austria
2003/02 – 2003/10
Serono Germany, Sales Manager Austria

• Sales EUR 16 mio, 5 reports
• Terminate through reorganisation and promotion to Director Finance und Governmental Affairs

2001/01-2003/02 Serono Germany, Area Business Manager

• Sales, Marketing und Medical, Austria and South of Germany
• Sales EUR 60 mio, 11 Reports
• Therapeutic Area: Neurologie / Rebif
• Focus: implementation of new structure, developing innovative sales support structures including local clinical trials
• Achievements : market leadership in Austria and South of Germany
1994 - 2000 Serono Austria GmbH, Manager Finance and Admin

• Responsibility: Finance, IT, Distribution, Controlling, Reporting, Planning, Human Resource
• Sales: ATS 100, 3 reports
• During vacancy of general manager performing as Operating General Manager
• Focus: outsourcing, tax solution
1993 – 1994 Eli Lilly Export S.A. Geneva, Project Manager Finance

• Project – responsibility, Teamleader, 4 reports
• Restructuring the export business, selection and implementation of a software package
• Assignment as Career Move

1991 Eli Lilly G.m.b.H (Austria), Senior Financial Analyst

• Financial Planning and Budgeting for Austria, Switzerland und CEE
• Focus: Implementation of New Financial Planning Tools
1986 Eli Lilly G.m.b.H (Austria), Manager IT und Administration

• Responsibility: IT, Distribution, Sales Administration
• Countries: Austria and Switzerland
• Focus: new distribution solutions


1977 - 1982 Technische Universität Wien, Masters Degree in Information Technology, (Dipl.-Ing. Informatik)

Trainings Wilson Learning – Sales training
Tom Heimsoth (US based) – Key Account Management training
Kienbaum Training – Leadership training
Rene Gassner Training – Leadership training
Thomas Hegemann – Communication und Coaching
GFU – Chlosta Training – Change Management
MDS – Training und Coaching for Top Management
Beratergruppe Neuwaldegg - Change Management


Pharmabusiness in Europa, Universalist, Marketing, Vertrieb, Finanz, Controlling, General Management


German (native), English (very good)


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