Flex Manager
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Work Experience

1976 - 77 Assistant in law firm, Geneva
audit and tax revision
• Assisted with consulting of large private clients
• Given support in tax audit projects, Geneva
• Given support in audit of smaller companies
• Filled in tax declarations
• Tax control

1978 - 81 Controller and Budgetteamleader
Large pharmaceutical group
• Managed technically 7 employees
Headquarter, Basle
• Coordinated the worldwide budget process and consolidated all budgets
• Participated in the budget discussion of the countries at the headquarter
• Improved and introduced the monthly reporting
• Commented the monthly results to the attention of one member of the executive committee
• Benchmarked the big pharmaceutical companies reg. sales margin and key success factors
• Analysed the stock levels in the countries
• Assisted the introduction of a new investment request regulation including instruction
• Evaluated large investment projects
• Analysed international pricing and proposed improvements for the attention of the Executive Committee

1981 - 84 Planning + Control in a pharmaceutical AC
Belgium; 250 Empl
• Introduced a new MIS
• Prepared the arguments for a price increase and participated in the negotiation with the health authorities of Belgium
• Organised the entire budget process; from the assumptions to the presentation at the headquarter
• Project leader: introduction of a new table of accounts and cost centers
• Prepared and participated in the elaboration of the product strategies
• Project leader: introduced an automatic stock control und purchasing system by standardizing purchasing order
• Responsible for purchasing, warehousing, logistics (in the 3rd y)
• Planned and introduced a new distribution-concept

1984 - 87Product Managerm in the AC of USA
1800 Empl
• Positioning of a new pharmaceutical (non-systemic steroid) in the clinical phase III for the US-market
• Attended broad field market research for studying the needs of various market segments
• Planned and realized pre-marketing activities, particularly with the opinion leaders and the specialists
• Introduction of “Pro-Colon” on the Gastro-market; including the education of the sales force

1987 - 90 Head of strategic planning
Pharmaceutical group worldwide
• Recruitment and management of 5 MBA’s
• Worked-out a strategic analyses and a 5-y-plan (with the help of Arthur D.Little)
• Participated in strategic project groups within Pharma:
. new orientation of the worldwide chemical production
. Adjustment of the country portfolio
. Decentralising the administration and accounting for the newly built divisions
. Elaboration of a new strategy in the middle east
• Analysed and screened acquisition candidates in the OTC-area
• Project leader for the European Supply Chain Study “Europe 92” with support form Booz Allen; coordinated the various sub-project groups with the European production managers
• Responsible for the minutes of the executive committee meetings

1990 - 93 CFO and member of the board
Responsible for Finance, Accounting, HR, IT International forwarding and logistics
8 AC’s in CH, F, NL, US
• Debt conversion and new financing after liquidity problems; negotiation with banks and private investors
• Clearly improved the receivables – and cash management
• Introduced a consolidated statement for the 1st time
• Planned and realized a new IT platform (with support of external consultant)
• Planned and introduced a new SW for automatic billing (with support of external consultant)

1993 - 95 Controller and financial consultant of the
Business Unit at headquarter
Large international group in construction material
• Teacher in the context of the Management Development Seminar for future production- and country managers “Western Europe and Mediterranean”
• Attendance of the monthly executive meetings in France and Belgium
• Evaluation und instrumental support for 3 acquisitions: CIOR, Origny Devroise, Finibati
• Project leader: administrative integration of the newly acquired cement company CIOR, Morocco
• Co-editor of IAS-manual; part of the introduction worldwide
• Temporary CFO with Finibati, an international group in the concrete floor business; large compliance problems
• Temporary CFO in Greece with unprofitable operating sites
• Given support for the development of the financial strategy and organisation of the business unit

1995 - 96 Head of group controlling
Large worlwide forwarder Management of 3 direct empl., and several indirect empl. in the country organisations
• Sparing partner of the newly appointed CEO
• Evaluation and successful negotiation of the Czech partner company
• Improved the MIS
• Proposals to improve profitability in various AC with problems
• Project leader for the restructuring in Greece, Finland and Hungary
• Member of the project team VBM and responsible for the implementation within the logistics division

1996 - 97 Project leader McKinsey
Large worlwide forwarder
• Overall project leader of the McKinsey restructuring project of finance, administration, IT, HR in entire Europe
• Project leader for the integration of the newly acquired Nedlloyd company

1997 - 2001 Line-Manager for the area East-Middle-Europe Danzas logistics division Large worlwide forwarder
• Responsible for 6 country organisations (approx. 500 empl. and 200 Mio EUR)
• Search and employment/discharge of country-managers
• Developed and implemented the Eastern Europe Strategy: built-up of 3 new country organisations und acquired 4 companies in full responsibility
• Start-up of 4 large distribution centres, including a Sony distribution centre for the entire region
• Negotiated contracts with an American partner as for long-term rent
• Negotiated long-term warehouse and distribution contracts: Sony, Mulinex, Philips

2002 - 05 CFO and member of the board
in construction material Groupe of 35 Companies in 3 countries
• Restructured the 35 legal entities in Germany, France and Switzerland in order to reduce the number of co and taxes
• Introduced IAS in the subdivision raw material
• Partial consolidation of Dreiländereck with SAP
• Introduced certification ISO 9001
• New financial investment strategy for the company’s pension funds; manager of the pension funds
• Introduced a financial plan and rolling liquidity plan
• Centralized the cash management within the subdivision Dreiländereck
• Evaluated 2 acquisition candidates
• Prepared most of the documents and presentations for the bidding process and due-diligence of the Dreiländereck group.

2005-09 Head of the shared service centre (SSC); CFO
and member of the board
Construction material group 25 co’s)
• Elaborated a IFRS-Manual for the group (as Consultant)
• developed and implemented the SSC for Creabeton group; the SSC comprehends:
finance, controlling, consolidation, HR, IT, purchasing, security
• Managed 32 empl.: new organisation with several changes of jobs
• Re-organized the processes of accounting and purchasing
• Successful migration of SAP R3 to mySAP and Business Warehouse
• Introduced a forex-policy and proactive cash-management
• Introduced IKS and risk-management acc. Swiss lax
• Planned and introduced a new regulation of organisation and competence
• Planned and introduced an automated registration of incoming bills

Since 2009 Independent consultant
• Ricola, candy business Acquisition
Independent consultant
• Tieu’s Soja Spezialitäten, Dornach
Business plan and new bank credits

Scope for Employment

Line Management:
• Industry
• Head of Administration
• Pharmaceuticals, Chemistry
• Controlling
• Forwarding, Logistics
• Building material, Construction
• Confectionary
• Consulting

Project Management:
• Guide the development of strategies within SME
• see Line Management
• Guide the elaboration of a financial strategy
• Lead the process for acquisitions
• Valuate enterprise value and co value
• Restructuring and reorientation
• Reorganisation of the administrative functions
• Help to restore unprofitable co’s or departments
• Elaborate, implement and control of cost cuts measures
• Controlling of restoration measures in large groups
• Improve processes in accounting
• Introduce forex- and cash management
• Improve management of working capital
• Introduce automatic recording of incoming bills
• Optimize taxes
• Legal restructuring and mergers
• Introduce a rolling liquidity plan
• Introduce IFRS
• Introduce a MIS
• Introduce a reporting system
• Introduce BSC
• Elaborate and introduce regulation of organisation, competences, IKS etc.


Business School St.Gallen
PHD in business studies, Fribourg

Corporate finance, Wharton school US
Valuation of companies, Colombia
IAS; several courses
VAT diploma, high school in ZH
Marketing: Institut supérieur de commerce, Paris (4 days per month during 1.5 y)
Value Based Management:
Metaplan -Technique
Conflict management
Building teams
Structured interviewing



1. Persönliche Kernkompetenzen

- Logisch analytische Fähigkeit, neue Problemstellungen oder Situationen rasch zu erfassen und konzeptionelle Lösungen zu generieren

- Ausgewiesener Track Record, Änderungen im Bereich Umstrukturierung und Effizienzsteigerung erfolgreich herbeizuführen

- Aktive Mitarbeit bei gesamtunternehmerischen Aufgaben
- Geschickter Motivator im Team und auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene verhandlungserprobt

- Zupackende, leistungsorientierte Persönlichkeit

2. Bereichserfahrung

- CFO: solide Kenntnisse in rechtlichen und steuerlichen Fragestellungen;
einschlägige M&A-Erfahrung
intensive IFRS und SAP Anwendung;
einschlägige Erfahrung bei Akquisitionen und Fusionen;
Erfahrungen im Change Management
- Controlling: treibende Kraft im Budgetierungsprozess und aufschlussreichem Reporting
- Logistik mit exekutiver Linienverantwortung
- Human Resources
- Pensionskassenleitung
- IT und Projektmanagement
- Support (Einkauf und Dienste)
- Strategie und Stabsbereiche; Corporate Governance Aufgaben

3. Branchenerfahrung
- Pharma und Chemie
- Internationale Logistik
- Internationale Spedition
- Zement und Baustoffe
- Industrielle Fertigung mit grossem Sortiment

4. Auslanderfahrung
je 3 Jahre in Brüssel und USA und Zentral-Ost-Europa
wiederholte und wochenweise Aufenthalte in Frankreich, Marokko, Griechenland, Deutschland


German (mother tongue), English, French


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