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interimmanagement TIP: soortgelijke CVs vinden

Office Manager/project coordinator

Office Manager/project coordinator

Work Experience

Set up projects in Central America to improve education system
Have worked as a therapist with street children
Have worked as a Events Manager in a big resort in Honduras, CA
Worked for 1,5 year for ceteco, Honduras as a HRM manager
Worked as a recruiter in Amsterdam to recruit International professionals
Currently I am working as a HR manager for a start up in the ICT branch.


HBO Creative therapy with specialisation of drama
University of Amsterdam- Science of theatre


Good organisational skills
Used to implement new procedures
Good in analysing of persons (see my background in the psycholigical arrea and doing the recruiting for a while)


Fluent in English, Spanish and Dutch.
Some basic knowledge of French and German


I\'d like to make a change and not work in the HR any more. I\'d like to do something active where I can use my talents in the organisational part.


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