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Technical Manager Audio-visual / ICT.

Technical Manager Audio-visual / ICT.

Work Experience

1996 to the present.
Employer: TV8 Limburg
Post : Technical Head / ICT Manager
Duties : Managing technical support of the Television station

I independently set up TV8 in terms of technique, construction and personnel. I manage a 12-man team (editors, camera people, sound technicians, lighting technicians, switch technicians). I manage and am responsible for all techniques required daily in making and Broadcasting TV programmes. TV8 is a fully-fledged commercial TV company producing high quality programmes with advance equipment at broadcast level. I am also responsible for office automation on the basis of LAN network technology and visit local and international professional trade fairs on a regular basis. I determine the technical direction of the business, maintain and repair equipment and systems. Hierarchy: immediately responsible to the general Director.

Employer : Cable TV Aruba.
Post : Director of the board.
Responsibilities: Supervising the good management of Aruba's sole cable TV distribution company
I was also responsible for the entire modernisation of A.V, Telecommunications and Electronic Superhighway technology on a commercial basis. High quality glass fibre networks were used, fed by satellite by 28 international information. This enabled me to talk with international media experts based mainly in the United States.

Employer : Tele Aruba NV.
Post : Gen. Advisor & Deputy Director
Responsibilities: Supervising the smooth running of this modern Television station in the Caribbean.

The Minister of Traffic & Communications in Aruba to undertake this assignment approached me. Because of my broad specialisation I was appointed to work directly under the General Director.

My responsibilities included the total product of commercial Television operation. Quality and productivity needed improvement. I was jointly responsible for investments, marketing, production, finance and personnel matters.

My technical and programme-making expertise meant that I also advised the Station Manager. A working day could easily run into 12 hours.
Represented Tele Aruba (one of the best-equipped TV broadcast stations in the Caribbean region) at local and international congresses such as: the CBU (Caribbean Broadcasting Union) and WBU (World Broadcasting Union).

Employer : School of Art, Arnhem.
Post : Head, Audio-visual Department.
Responsibilities: Managing all areas of the department.
With my wide-ranging expertise, in addition to the post of Head of the Audio-visual Department, I also filled the related posts of Technical Head, Lecturer, Technical Advisor of Internal and External Relations and Producer in realising co-productions with Broadcasting companies.

Clarification of responsibilities: management, system development, application of logistics management to both internal and external projects, independent reparation / maintenance and modification of the high tech AV / computer equipment and networks. Taught AV techniques to both technicians in permanently employment and further education students, internees from the film school and employees of the City of Arnhem.

Realised Television programmes in co-production with the Broadcasting companies.
Advised the Arnhem School of Art on hardware and software, AV techniques and external companies and organisations. Productions at broadcast level made using the high-end and/or industrial equipment required.

Designed and installed stand-alone advanced AV systems and networks on both an analogue and digital basis. Kept abreast of the latest developments in the discipline via consulting local and international professional journals. Business trips to various local and international trade fairs. Regularly invited by suppliers / manufacturers/ system developers to brainstorm on hardware and software to be developed. Negotiated directly with suppliers about the products they delivered. Regularly followed applications courses. Discussion of innovative forms of policy / strategies to be introduced into contemporary management.

Freelance all-round audio-visual technician on various external Television productions.

Gave AV courses / training to AV technicians of the Technical University, Delft.

Employer : Medical Faculty, Rotterdam.
Post : Chief Audio-visual Technician
Responsibilities: Final responsibility for entire technique.

Besides maintaining equipment, designing specific Electronic switches and repairing audio-visual equipment, I acted as cameraman, set lighting technician, On line Editor, and Production Manager in realising audio-visual productions. As electrician I also supervised electronics internees.

Employer : van Rietschoten & Houwens.
Post : Electronics internee
Responsibilities: Designing and setting up automation projects

Employer : Medical Faculty, Rotterdam
Post : Electronics internee
Responsibilities: Reparation and design of audio-visual equipment.

References are available on request.


M.A.V.O. 4 (General Secondary Education), CuraƧao
Diploma 1975
Dutch, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Geography

M.T.S. (Intermediate Technical School), Rotterdam
Diploma 1979
Digital / Analogue techniques, Business studies,
Telecommunications, Technology, Information Science and
Measuring and Regulation Techniques.

Television Techniques, Arnhem
Diploma 1980

Television Techniques, Arnhem
Certificate 1980

Audio Visual Technique A, Badhoevedorp
Certificate 1981

Audio Visual Technique B, Badhoevedorp
Certificate 1981

Television Technique A+B, Badhoevedorp
Certificate 1982

Audio Visual Techniques and programme making, Utrecht
Certificate 1984


Followed various company-oriented application courses, workshops and lectures.
21 years' work experience in the audio-visual branch at professional level.
Knowledge of Windows-based software and hardware NT 4.0 / Windows 95, 98 in a LAN network environment incl. various applications.In possession of Driving License B-E.
I work well under stress, am flexible and service-minded.
I have good interpersonal skills, work accurately and am an excellent communicator.
I am result-oriented and persistent in solving both technical and organisational problems.


Linguistic proficiency: Dutch, English, and Spanish.


I like professional challenge of new position and new responsibilities.
Also I would like to suit my International assessment.


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