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Interim Manager

Interim Manager

Work Experience

1991 - now International Business Consultancy and interim management.
• Optimizing company practices;
• Improvement of productivity and efficiency;
• Business process redesign;
• Change Management;
• Supply chain management;
• Lean, 6 Sigma, Kaizen.

2007 - Interim management assignments;
Analysis assignments;
Healthcare projects.

1999 – 2007 Presenting Analyst, responsible for determining the scope, duration, costs and revenues of the projects. Responsible for the execution of the projects.

1998 – 1999 Project Director, responsible for several project managers (on average 5).

1995 – 1998 Project Manager, responsible for the execution of 1 project at a time.

1994 – 1995 Senior Consultant Productivity and Efficiency Improvement.

1991 – 1993 Senior Consultant Postal Advise at KPN Nepostel.

1990 – 1991 Account - Executive Commodities and Securities at Prudential Bache Securities.

1998 – 1990 Manager Internal organization Pink Elephant & Manager Software Engineering Pink Elephant;
Implementation of the administrative organisation at Pink Elephant;
Reorganisation and sale of Pink Elephant France.

1983 – 1988 Accountancy; Dijker & Doornbos (currently PWC), Acc. Kantoor van Wasbeek RA.

The projects between 1994 and 2007 were performed on subcontracting base from my own company for major American and European Consultancy Firms (IMPAC, Proudfoot Consulting, Star Consulting Group, Principal Consult a.o.).


June 1982 : High school exams (pre-university education)
Aug. 1984 - Sep. 1990 : NIVRA. Dutch university for chartered accountants.
Jan. 1991 - Apr. 1992 : National Association of Security Dealers, New York:
National Commodity Futures Examination, Series 3.
NYSE General Securities Representative Examination,S 7
Aug. 1993 – Aug 1995 : Erasmus University Rotterdam. General Economics.
(stopped due to spending 80% of my time abroad)
April 2007 : Enkhuizer Zeevaartschool, stuurman Kleine Zeilvaart (yacht master)


Reading Speaking Writing
Dutch A A A
English B B B
French B B C
German B B C
(A = excellent ; B = Good ; C = Adequate ; D = Moderate ; E = insufficient.
All ratings related to a business environment).


Personal qualifications:
• Capability to analyse complex organisations within a very short time and give concrete proposals for improvement;
• In depth knowledge of business processes. Capable of outlining, reviewing and optimising business processes;
• Capability to actually implement the given proposals and come up with concrete results;
• Capability to analyze the positions of different companies and their strategies and to draw a parallel to other companies in the same line of business;
• Team player as well a motivator of a team;
• Ability to easily adapt to foreign customs and/or company philosophy;
• Experience in working with all levels in the organization, mostly CEO level;
• Very strong ‘hands-on’ mentality and great inventivity;
• Good clarity of expression (written and oral)
• Broad network gained in 20 years consultancy experience.


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