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IT Director & CTO

IT Director & CTO

Work Experience

Programme and Project management

- Managed £10m budgets, and teams of up to 65 people, across multiple sites and countries.
- Implemented the IT infrastructure for a £100m building.
- Moved £1.4m worth of Internet hosting infrastructure with no service downtime.
- Directed the outsourced development of a £2m global sales analysis system.
- Performed consultancy in Frankfurt, Paris, Stuttgart, Berlin, and London.


- Created mobile phone and Internet subscription based revenue streams adding over £3m per year to the bottom line.
- Successfully designed and implemented an IT strategy shift (including the retraining of the whole technology team).
- Reduced overall technology expenditure by 35% year-on-year whilst improving perceived effectiveness.
- Formed and led development, infrastructure and operations (including customer support) teams.
- Decreased system development times by an average of 23% by using coding standards, code reviews and object oriented code re-use.
- Successfully implemented commercial systems in all major frameworks (Open Source, Java 2 Enterprise Edition, Microsoft DNA and .NET).

Strategy and Delivery

- Built the hosting and delivery systems to run Europe’s largest online sports property (and one of the UK’s largest Internet properties.) This comprises of 80 separately branded official football club websites serving 40m page impressions per month from one platform.
- Created the infrastructure that sends over 3m free and reverse-billed SMS messages per year.
- Produced and delivered more live and on-demand Internet streamed content in 2002 than any other organisation in Europe.
- Realised CRM systems to manage campaigns sending over 4m targeted HTML emails per month to a database of over 2m registered users.
- Implemented 2.5G (GPRS) and 3G mobile phone video streaming and MMS alerts.


- Successfully negotiated a £3m adjustment of management consultancy fees.
- Kept team morale high (sickness 1.2% as opposed to 7% national average, with negligible churn) through major business process change and two rounds of redundancies.
- Undertook media interviews and joint PR with major partners such as Oracle.
- Held seminars such as an eBack-Office case study at the Cumberland Hotel.
- Wrote and gave technical training courses to Berlin and Stuttgart based employees.

Career Chronology

CTO/CIO, NTL Europe Premium TV (www.premiumtv.co.uk) 10/2000 - present
CTO, 1eEurope Britnet Ltd (www.1eEurope.com) 6/2000 - 9/2000
IT Director and Founder, Rapidmove 10/1999 - 6/2000
Senior IT Project Manager, Rabobank International (www.rabobank.com) 12/1998 - 10/1999
Project Manager and Technical Consultant, SunGard Infinity (www.sungard.com) 9/1997 - 12/1998
Consultant, Reuters Frankfurt (www.reuters.com) 6/1996 - 9/1997
System Tester to on-site Developer, Logica CMG (www.logicacmg.com) 6/1994 - 6/1996

Recent Achievements


- Content management. Developed a Vignette web-based CMS to allow workflow operations (including automated content launching and expiry) to be performed on articles, graphics, SMS messages, and streamed media. For low-bandwidth situations (such as a 9.6k GSM mobile phone to laptop connection) a stripped down Java publishing tool was also provided.
- Authentication and authorisation. In order to prevent unauthorised access to content, every request from every user needs to be authenticated. To achieve this in a high traffic environment, without affecting site user experience, a multi-threaded C++/OCI plug-in was developed.
- 100.00% availability. Availability targets were hit by using a fully redundant Cisco/UNIX/NT hosting infrastructure. Amongst other techniques, two layers of load-balancers were used to distribute requests from users to the cache servers, and from cache servers to web servers.
- Instant site look-and-feel changes. To create the 80-site network a sophisticated web-based drag-and-drop tool was developed. This also allowed site editors to make instant changes to the site’s look and feel. This was used very effectively to position contextually relevant commercial content around breaking news stories.
- Web Service based external integration. A Java Web Service was also used to integrate with external broadband provisioning systems during broadband marketing campaigns. The site user experience was also improved by deploying a Web Service to allow integrated registration and login with external e-commerce sites.
- Micro-payments. Integration with the BT Click-and-Buy micro-payment system was undertaken to allow the offering of the matchlive statistics and streamed audio console via pay-per-view.
- Online Direct-Debits. DataCash were chosen as a partner to facilitate subscription by online direct-debits.
- Support. By combining customer support with desktop IT support (and the implementation of Microsoft .NET knowledge-based tools) a 50% saving on overall support costs was achieved.


- SMS Message Creation and Sending. The SMS system created and sent over 3m free and reverse-billed SMS messages each year. XML files were exchanged with WIN’s SMS Gateway, and the network SMS-B/C. A 30% increase in the profitability of this service was achieved by purging the subscriber database based on network delivery response codes.
- SMS Short Code Sign Up. Customers signed-up to the services by texting the club name to 88442, or replying to push SMS marketing messages.
- SMS signup by Credit Card and IVR. To allow subscription by international users (or users of networks that didn’t support reverse-billed SMS messages) an IVR number and web-based credit card interface were provided.
- MMS alerts. After successful trials, a service is planned for launch in 2004 where MMS alerts, featuring near-live action photographs, are created and sent to subscribers.
- Mobile Phone Video Streaming. Oplayer and Windows Media format video streaming, at both GPRS (2.5G) and 3G bit rates, was provided in partnership with one of the mobile networks.
- Mobile Phone Network Integration. Content syndication to two major mobile phone networks (via bi-directional XML integration to WAP portals) has been undertaken.
- Direct Marketing. Sign-up rates at high as 5.9% were achieved in response to SMS message campaigns promoting SMS service subscription.

Streamed Media

- Digital Asset Management. All video content was transcoded and logged when ingested into the Virage-based DAM system. A meta-file was also created, describing the asset’s content, which was also used to allow customers to perform online video searching of an extensive archive. The DAM system also automatically batch encoded the content, with the appropriate profile, and made it available to the customers.
- Digital Rights Management. Depending on the version of the media player being used, various technologies were employed to prevent unauthorised access to content.
- On-demand audio and video streaming. Narrowband and broadband streaming was provided in both Windows Media and Acelp codecs. The subscription service also featured rich functionality such as video searching and video voting.
- Live content production and streaming. During football matches up to 6000 XML files were received from the Press Association every minute. In partnership with Akamai, these feeds were transformed into a market-leading consumer offering of live statistics, audio streaming and SMS messages.


BEng (Hons) Computer Systems and Electronics - Kings College, University of London.
A Levels - Maths, Further Maths, and Physics - Southwark College.


Internet, Mobile Phone and streamed media revenue building


Fluent English
Rusty German


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