Flex Manager
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Interim/consultancy opdrachten

Interim/consultancy opdrachten

Work Experience

Allround HRM met ook duidelijke ervaring in operations in de service, zakelijke dienstverlening en de gastvrijheids branche
Work History

04-01/ SmartFix Nederland BV, Director Human Resources, Organisation Development & Training
Start-up service company for ICT users at consumer and small business level. Responsible for HR strategy and HR development, including building a unique corporate culture that enables service at the highest level. Corporate clients, PMG, ANWB, Zonnet, Philips.

07-92/04-01 Entrepreneur and Consultant in the field of coaching, recruitment and management development. Associated with Quality Vision, Amadeus International and the Topf Organization. Worked in Europe, Middle-East and USA on assignments in the field of Quality, Organisation Development and training. Coached senior executives.
Consulted with major companies like Shell, Motorola, CPC and Bestfoods (now Unilever).
Project Smart-Fix, building a national service organisation for ICT users at consumer and small business level, pre-start-up phase.

12-79/07-92 Marriott Hotels and Resorts
Joined the company at 72 hotels and left the company at 685 hotels. Now Marriott owns, manages or franchises over 2000 hotels. Started in HR at hotel level, became regional for HR in EMEA and moved into operations as part of career development plan. Was considered high potential and made a quick career within the company. Left Marriott in order to start working for myself. Please find below the various assignments.

03-90/07-92 Resident Manager Frankfurt Marriott Hotel, Germany
585 rooms assisted with the takeover and complete refurbishment of the hotel. Responsible for $22 million budget.

03-89/03-90 Opening Resident Manager Warsaw Marriott Hotel, Poland
First Polish joint venture, 520 rooms. Responsible for successful opening including training and quality standards during soft opening period.

03-88/03-89 Resident Manager Boston Longwharf Marriott, USA
400 rooms and Marriott’s most profitable hotel with the highest occupancy, 93%.

11-83/03-88 Regional Director of Human Resources Europe, Middle-East & Africa, London, U.K.
Responsible for HR and Training in the international arena and set up of systems to support international growth, including labour relations, compensation and benefits. Assisted in hotel openings and takeovers and various international taskforces. Was responsible for building the foundation for international growth. Liasoned on monthly basis with Marriott HQ in Washington DC. Total FTE responsibility approx. 5500 FTE’s.

12-79/11-83 Director of Human Resources, Amsterdam Marriott Hotel, Netherlands
Responsible for recruitment, policies, training and management support. Approx 350 FTE’s. Involved with taskforce takeover London Marriott Hotel.

01-79/12-79 Catering Manager Maison van den Boer, Veghel, Netherlands
Started as management trainee from hotel management school and continued with full time job. Responsible for party catering throughout the Netherlands.


66/72 HBS-B Highschool, Lorentz Lyceum, Eindhoven, Netherlands

72/76 Sociale Akademie, Social Work Degree, Eindhoven, Netherlands,

76/79 Hotel Management School, Maastricht, Netherlands.


Speak Read Write

Dutch Fluent Fluent Fluent
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
German Nearly Fluent Fluent Not Fluent
French Nearly Fluent Fluent Not Fluent

Additional Courses

Two year Part Time Course Personnel Management
Certification Myers Briggs Type Indicator (Personal type INTP)
Certification Situational Leadership
NLP Practitioner
Master Practitioner NLP
Certification High Performance Coaching
Meta Profile
The New Leadership Paradigm

Additional Experience

Grew up in Bothwell, Scotland, lived in 6 different countries, worked and trained in 9 different cultures.

Squash, jogging (member Athletic Point), culinary cooking & wines, guitar.


Sociale Academy en Hotel Management


Goede luisteraar en inschatter van de cultruur en de problemen en knelpunten in een organisatie
Omzetten hiervan naar blijvende oplossingen
People manager
Trainer en coach
Operationele ervaring in leidinggeven


Engels, Nederlands, Duits en Frans


Werk graag binnen internationale bedrijven/setting


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