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Treasurer, Risk Manager, Cash Manager

Treasurer, Risk Manager, Cash Manager

Work Experience

SERVICES (as of 2001 - now)
Managing Director
I assist and advice Corporates, non-profit organisations, Asset-Managers and private Banks in their activities on Finance, Risk Management and Cash Management. Key focus areas are:
1. Advice and support on policy, organisation, information and techniques in the financial management of the organisation.
2. Implementing assistance and project management
3. Supply training and education
4. Financial Engineering

(as of 2003 – now)
Managing Director
We supply Financial Engineering and software solutions for Treasury to Corporates, non-profit organisations, Asset-Managers and private Banks. Next to tailor made solutions, we also offer standardised software solutions, such as:
1. Treasury Systems
2. Pricers for financial risks, derivatives and options
3. Analysis tools for Finance and Capital Markets
4. Support systems for IFRS-39 and FAS-133 implementation and automation.

PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL B.V. – Corporate Treasury (1998 – 2001)
Manager Risk Consulting Europe, Middle East, Africa, U.S.A. and Canada
I was responsible for creating and maintaining an infrastructure for the operational businesses to identify and quantify financial risks and to show alternative hedging strategies. The major risks were foreign exchange, interest rate risks, credit risks, country risks and commodity price risks. Within Corporate Treasury I advised on the organisation of the dealing-room, assist with quantifying portfolio risks and advice on derivative hedging structures. For the product divisions (9 in total, making up more than 1200 subsidiaries world-wide) we supported the businesses with advice and training in their activities on Finance and Risk management.

RABOBANK - Utrecht (1997 – 1998)
Senior Dealer
In first instance I went to Antwerp with the task to convert the treasury sales-desk into a risk management desk. It was the intention to create added value for the clients by supporting/advising them in their risk management decisions. On the sales side the accent should move more towards derivatives.
After the international reorganisation, where ultimately a Benelux desk was set up in Utrecht, I went to Utrecht to become senior dealer in FX options.

I was responsible for the “Corporate Treasury” of Royal Wessanen (and after the merger with Bols, also for BolsWessanen), which was moved in December 1991 from Amstelveen (the Netherlands) to the co-ordination centre at Berchem (Belgium). Next to cash management, risk management and corporate finance for the whole group world-wide, the treasury is also the in-house bank for all its subsidiaries world-wide (about 65 operating companies in 17 different countries). The organisation was known as a “lean and mean” organisation with a high quality level in Risk Management, Corporate Finance and Cash Management. I was also responsible for managing a proprietary portfolio consisting of FX options, Interest Rate Swaps, FRA’s and structured finance deals.

ROYAL WESSANEN NV at Amstelveen (1987 – 1991)
Foreign Exchange and Deposit trader
I made part of the Corporate Treasury of Royal Wessanen. Apart from the trading activities, I also spent a lot of time in developing advanced hedging techniques for controlling foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk. Further, in this period I also experienced myself in Cash Management, both in the United States and in Europe.

FRIWESSA at Zaandijk (1985 – 1987) – division of Wessanen
Trader in edible oils, as well as soybean-oil-futures trader on Chicago board of Trade.
I was responsible for purchasing the raw materials. I also made part of the trading-desk. The acquired experience consists of learning hedging techniques for controlling the price risk of raw materials (commodities).

W.A.F.I. at Zaandam (1983 – 1985) - subsidiary of Wessanen
Export-manager Middle East
Responsible for the export of animal feed concentrates to the Middle East. Apart from the travelling experience within the Middle East region, I also acquired commercial skills and learned hedging techniques, which are inherent to exporting.


HEAO – BREDA Year of graduation 1982
Economics and Marketing

• O’Connell & Piper – Chicago:
- Pricing and Hedging FX Options
- Managing a portfolio of Options
• Financial Directions Inc. – New York:
- Pricing and Hedging SWAPS
- Capital markets Training
• J.P. Morgan – New York:
- Internal Risk Management training
• Swiss Bank Corp – Zurich:
- Volatility trading


Cash Management:
Liquidity management, optimising cash flows (accounts payable and accounts receivable), international (cross border) payments, set up international cash pooling systems both in Europe, the USA and Canada. Experience in developing a centralised “payment factory” and a centralised electronic banking infrastructure for subsidiaries. Familiar with developing globalisation agreements, balance and interest compensation systems. Experience in Europe, United States, Canada and Brazil.

Risk Management:
Experience in Foreign Exchange Risk, Interest Rate Risk, Credit Risk, Country Risk, Commodity Price Risk and Accounting Risk (IFRS-39 and FAS-133). I developed a model in Excel (Visual basic) on basis of zero-coupon-pricing that can be used to quantify interest rate risk and credit risk, both for parallel risk and slope risk. The model has a real-time interface with Bloomberg and/or Reuters. This model can also be used for comparing, analysing and decision making in corporate/structured finance. I have a practical experience in implementing IAS-39 / FAS-133 through different projects, among others with Philips. I have published a number of articles on this topic. I also assist accounting firms and banks in their projects for IFRS-39. My company TreasuryMetrics, which was founded in 2003, currently has a fully automated software solution to implement IAS-39.

Corporate Finance:
Financing techniques, both long term and short term, as well as via constructions with derivatives. Familiar with methodologies to optimise the capital structure like: debt/equity ratio, optimising the duration of the debt, using the “comparative advantage” to optimise the debt and optimising the fiscal position.

Electronic Banking:
I am familiar with most of the electronic banking systems that are offered in Europe, United States, Canada and Brazil. Experience in building a centralised information database for supporting the (world-wide) organisation in electronic banking. Next to that I am also familiar with various Treasury Systems. Experience in implementing a Treasury Management System.


Dutch, English, German and Spanish


I published a number of articles, among others with Elsevier, financieel management and Business-to-Business.


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