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Marketing Director and brand specialist

Marketing Director and brand specialist

Work Experience

CAREER SUMMARY (More details of responsibilities and achievements for recent roles are provided at the bottom of this section)

Director of Customer Service Development - London Lines
(National Express) Dec 01 - Apr 03

Marketing Director - Silverlink Train Services
(National Express) Jan 00 - Dec 01

Marketing Controller - Posthouse Hotels
(Forte Hotels) Aug 98 - Jan 00

Marketing Controller - Heritage Hotels
(Forte Hotels) Oct 97 - Aug 98

Marketing Controller - Ernest Jones Jewellers
(Signet Group) Jun 95 - Oct 97

Group Product Manager - Kinder Surprise + Nutella
(Ferrero UK) Apr 92 - Jun 95

Senior Product Manager - Raffaello + Ferrero Eggs
(Ferrero UK) May 91 - Apr 92

Brand Manager - Chambourcy Yogurts
(Nestlé) May 89 - Apr 91

Graduate Trainee, Assistant Brand Manager
(Nestlé) Sep 86 - May 89


Position: Director of Customer Service Development
Dec 01 - Apr 03

The London Lines organisation was created from the merger of the Silverlink, c2c and West Anglia Great Northern (Wagn) train operating companies in 2001. This organisation now operates 2000 trains per day and has an annual turnover in excess of £300m.

This new role followed the success of the 'Silver Service' programme, which he initiated, developed and launched across Silverlink. This programme is designed to improve the quality of customer service delivered by front-line staff - creating an 'on-brand' experience. The process directly involves front-line staff in the translation of the ideal brand experience into customer service standards, and the rollout of these standards across the company through interactive workshops. Mystery shopper audits measure performance against these standards, and staff delivering excellent service are rewarded accordingly.

Reporting to the Managing Director of London Lines, this role involved the rollout of this programme to other routes across the organisation, and was successfully completed in April 2003.


1. Record levels of customer satisfaction with the ‘helpfulness of local staff’ (measured through the quarterly customer satisfaction survey).

2. Significant improvements across specific customer service dimensions (measured through monthly mystery shopper audits).

3. Improved staff satisfaction (measured through employee satisfaction surveys).

Position: Marketing Director
Jan 00 - Dec 01

Responsible for the management of a team of 11, covering the following areas:

- Marketing activity (advertising, promotions, direct mail, collateral and web site development).
- Revenue development and analysis.
- Customer service improvement, through the ‘Silver Service’ programme.
- Corporate communication (external and internal) and public relations.
- Retail development - generation of new revenue streams from retail / advertising contracts.
- Contracts and Purchasing.


1. Development of an aggressive marketing campaign for Silverlink dedicated Birmingham-London fares. The campaign drove an incremental revenue of £2.3m year on year and took Silverlink’s share of this market to £4.7m in 2000, representing 6% of total passenger revenue.

2. Initiation and development of the ‘Silver Service’ programme, which has driven measurable improvements in the quality of customer service delivered by front-line staff.

3. Development of a Marketing Recovery Plan to drive business performance following the Hatfield incident. Adopted as best practice by National Express Group, this was the model upon which plans for other train operating companies within the Group were based.

Position: Marketing Controller - Posthouse Hotels
Aug 98 - Jan 00

Responsible for the marketing activity for this £300m brand which comprised an estate of 85 hotels across the country, working with a team of 3 and a budget of £7m.


1. Launch of ‘Business Plus’, an added value package of ‘extras’ targeting the commercial stayer.

2. Launch of 2,000 ‘Superior Rooms’, a higher specification room product (equivalent to 20% of the total Posthouse room stock).

3. Launch of additional new tactical products to maximise yield within the commercial, conference and leisure segments, with particular emphasis on ‘trough periods’.

These initiatives were successful in driving incremental revenue and contributed to a year on year revenue growth of £12.6m in 1999.

Position: Marketing Controller - Heritage
Oct 97 - Aug 98

Heritage Hotels comprised a collection of over 50 individual hotels, including properties such as The Compleat Angler at Marlow and the Randolph Hotel in Oxford, with a turnover of £120m.


1. Development of a focused brand positioning and corporate style for Heritage Hotels.

2. Translation of Heritage brand positioning into customer service standards, working closely with the Regional General Managers, culminating in the launch of these standards within the business.

3. Development of a TV campaign ('Individual Hotels for every Individual'), which went on air in July and August 1998 across LWT and the North.

Position: Marketing Controller - Ernest Jones
Jun 95 - Oct 97

Ernest Jones is a chain of 174 jewellery stores with a turnover of £100m. Carried responsibility for brand development, brand standards, marketing activity and visual merchandising.

These initiatives worked with the rollout of a new store concept to drive a 21% year on year sales growth, within a static market.



Pembroke College, Oxford (Sep 83 - Jul 86)

Awarded a scholarship to read Zoology. Graduated in 1986 with a Second Class Honours Degree.

Secondary Education

The Manchester Grammar School (Sep 76 - Nov 82)

Achieved 1 'S' Level, 3 'A' Levels and 7 ‘O’ Levels.


- A classically-trained marketer of fast moving consumer goods, with success in applying these techniques across a range of retail and service industries.

- Extensive brand marketing and brand development experience, covering all dimensions of the customer experience. Key skills include brand strategy and positioning, advertising, direct mail, promotions, customer service, public relations, web site development, revenue forecasting / business planning, people management and budgetary control.

- Highly strategic thinker, but with the ability to make things happen ‘on the ground’.

- Motivated by challenge and has a strong pioneering spirit, drawing from a wealth of experience across very different industries.


French (conversationa), Italian (basic)


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