Flex Manager
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General Manager - Managing director - Commercial Manager - S

General Manager - Managing director - Commercial Manager - S

Work Experience

2002-present:- Interim management assignments through my own company:- Secretary-General furniture manufacturer Van Pelt (2004-present)
- Member of the management team, Sales & Marketing manager and Alliance manager for Sylis Belgium (2003-2004)
- Short term assignments in banking, telecom, and IT (2002)

2001-2002: - Managing Director Netgiro Belgium

1999-2001: - Commercial Manager KPN Belgium

1982-1999: - Fin-Administration manager and right arm of the general manager of ACSA 92 (Antwerp Consortium of Shipping Agencies)


Marketing-Communications degree
Shipping-Expedition degree with specialisation chartering
Vlerick Middle Management course
ISO 9000 Internal Auditor certificate


In one of the courses of the Vlerick Management school, the term “generalist-specialist” was used and I find this a very appropriate description of myself: throughout my career I have got the opportunity to obtain experience in almost every business domain: general management, administration, commercial, financial, ICT as well as specific management skills. This gave me a broad and at the same time thorough knowledge.
Together with my coaching ability, this experience enables me to get respect and authority in a natural way.
A natural aptitude to organize gives me an additional benefit.


Dutch(mother tongue)- French: excellent knowledge
English: excellent knowledge - German: good knowledge


I'm looking for an assignment as interim manager in a general management or sales management environment.
My added value consists of my ability to organise a company
or department quickly in an efficient way,
This may be a start-up company or a business unit, a subsidiairy or the re-organisation of an existing company. Also with regard to sales management, I have a specific methodology that works in a very structured way and combined with my natural ability to coach, I'm able to lead a team to achieve very good results.


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