Flex Manager
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Sales Executive

Sales Executive

Work Experience

I am Michael, age 38, with 15 years of experience as a Manager. I have had special focus on sales and marketing throughout my carreer. I have successfully worked with Business Development in retail, Business-to-Consumer, Business-to-Business and exports.
My experience comes from being sales responsible in Scandinavia and from European exporting. My primary competence is within sale through retail – including retail Key Accounts, partners, distributors and wholesalers. I have management experience with teams of up to 50 employees.
I am now fully committed to Interrim Mangement tasks, and as an Interim Manager I concentrate on:
Business Development and new business
Start-ups and launches
Mergers and acquisitions
Sales Management
A brief overview of the carreer going backwards:
4 years as Commercial Director, Savannah A/S
3 years as Sales Manager, Manpower A/S
1 year as Management Consultant, Melville ApS
3 years as General Manager, Filofax A/S (Danish subsidiary of Filofax Group PlC)
3 years as Sales Manager, Filofax A/S
6 years as Department Manager and Sales Manager, Illums A/S
Degree in Marketing


Degree in Marketing
Onboing Batchelor in Business Management


Specialist in:
Business Development and new business
Start-ups and launches
Mergers and acquisitions
Sales Management


Danish and other Scandinavian languages (Swedish and Norwegian), English, German


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