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Work Experience

Londonderry NH, USA 2004 - 2008
A manufacturer of back-end microelectronic assembly equipment, integrates technologies and processes, into assembly solutions for the semiconductor and related industries.
COO , President Laurier

Serve as Chief Operating Officer / Member of the Board of Directors, a Dutch conglomerate, and President Laurier.
• Restructure and consolidate Dutch packaging and tooling operations and global sales organization. Combine two divisions and build out factory in Asia (Kuala Lumpur).
• 2006 was first profitable year since 2000, with 10% earnings before taxes on € 190M in revenue.
• Under tenure at Laurier, grew revenue from $3M to $20M, and earnings before taxes from ($-6M) to $+2 M.
• Transfer assembly and tooling production from higher cost European geographies to lower cost Malaysian and Chinese facilities.
• Double Malaysian production capabilities through facility, personnel and equipment investments; reduce worldwide headcount by 11%.
• Return to profitability in second half of 2005 by generating € 4.7M of net income.
• Launch commercial introduction of next generation die sorting and molding systems.
• Improve operating profitability through increased sales, additional organizational efficiencies and tight control of headcount and overhead levels.
• Actively identify and evaluate acquisition candidates that could assist in attainment of overall goals for providing integrated, automated assembly platform, product and process technology leadership, and geographic expansion.
• Due to increased profitability and improved working capital management, cash increased from € 81M in December, 2005 to € 98.0M in December, 2006.

ESEC, Cham, Switzerland 2002 - 2003
Oerlikon Esec is a global provider of premium equipment and solutions for the volume assembly of semiconductor and micro-technology devices (Die bonding and wiring)

• Back-end Company with 150 M Swiss Francs revenue. Restructuring in 2002 (one Business Unit, less 100 people).
• Initiated development of new die attach platform, resulting in the fastest platform in market today.
• Established outsourcing outside Switzerland, resulting in 10% platform cost reduction.
• Revived the Flip Chip product line with sales incentives, doubling sales within one year.
• Restructured the Asian Sales force into a leaner and more efficient team.

ASM, USA, Phoenix
1999 - 2002
A leading supplier of semiconductor process equipment in both front- and back-end markets.
President USA Operations

Restructured ASM between August, 1999 and September, 2002.
• Beginning with 1999 revenue of $70M, 2000 revenue was $155K. 2001 revenue (small down-turn) dropped to $135K, company experienced another restructuring..
• All years profitable despite fluctuating market conditions.
• Commenced outsourcing in Phoenix, AZ with headcount of 350.
• Initiated and developed 300 mm Epitaxy product line in 1999, and sold first systems to Intel in 2000.
• Worldwide responsibility for Intel, a $50M > $70M account.
• Managing director of ASM Finland (100 personnel), Atomic Layer Chemical Vapor Deposition (ALCVD) division, beginning in January, 2001. Successfully transferred their process know-how to Phoenix within 12 months, resulting in reclassification of ASM Finland as Center of Excellence.

ASM, Holland 1990 - 1999
Managing Director Europe, Semiconductor Equipment (1992 – 1999)

Restructured company, automated engineering, logistics and accounting and rebuilt the manufacturing area.
• Following 1992 reduction of 150 personnel, core of 100 remained. New hires usually added per flexible contracts. 1998 headcount of approximately 300.
• Moved R&D group to team up with Imec, Belgium.
• Outsourced up to 85% of latest system to main suppliers, with only end assembly and test remaining in factory.
• Acquired Tempress Technology in 1994. Transferred Tempress technology and production to ASM HQ, resulting in mass production of Vertical Furnaces. (Customers included Intel, IBM, Infineon).
• 1998 revenue/earnings before taxes: 200M Dutch Guilders (= 130 M$) /6%.

Business Unit Director (1990 - 1992)

Managed the "horizontal furnaces" product line, phased out in 1992.

DATA GENERAL, Westborough, MA 1978 - 1990
One of the first global minicomputer firms.
Marketing Director (1987 - 1990)

Reporting to the VP of Sales, position was responsible for managing Manufacturing and Engineering Solutions, one of Data General's vertical markets.
• Charged with acquisition of third-party software and implementing marketing programs.
• Presented industry solutions to customers and at conferences.

Manager Marketing Programs, Westborough (1985 - 1987)
International Account Manager, Paris (1983 - 1985)
Sales man/Branch Sales Manager, Amsterdam (1978 - 1983)


MS, Electrical Engineering, Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands
BS, Electrical Engineering, Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands


Corporate Level
As a senior executive with 16 years of global experience, I led companies through a process of change. In order to do this, I first assess the company through its people. My judge of character, refined over the years, allows me to quickly locate the “crown princes” and discard the “dead wood”. I then focus on sales and marketing, market driven product development, and the company’s core products. Through addressing manufacturing (lean/outsourcing) and purchasing, the operational headcount can be optimized. The overall goal is, of course, to maximize profits by way of cost-cutting and improved efficiently. Through “open communications” I make everybody a part of this goal, while creating team spirit and a fun place to work at.

- Project Based (Sales & Marketing)
Sales & Marketing, coupled with the right product development, has been the center of my interest. I focus marketing on the right targets, in the correct geographical areas, and with products that are both in demand and at the core of the company. I then look into the R&D roadmap to see where the market is moving to and to create purely market-driven programs. Next I ask some questions: Is the sales force of the right quality/quantity?
In the right area? Is their compensation competitive?

- Technology Transfer
I have transferred technology from three companies (two being overseas), moving the center of excellence from their site to headquarters. In this process, I have cut headcount at the local companies significantly.


• Fluent in English, Dutch and German, proficient in French


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